This quirky episodic comedy weaves together three plotlines centered around the employees of a car garage, with some unexpected fairytale elements to get things moving. A woodland fairy convinces shy bookkeeper Piel to suddenly start driving his Trabi far above the speed limit. Manager Neumann sells his soul to a black cat in order to purchase a more respectable vehicle. And a spirit named "Car Accident" offers to warn owner Sengebusch about upcoming traffic accidents so he can make money by always being the first on the scene.
A murder has been committed in "Pension Boulanka", a famous guesthouse for artists and circus people. Captain Bruckner is heading the investigating team.
After a breakdown, Rita returns to her childhood village in 1961. As she recovers, she remembers the past two years: her love for the chemist Manfred, ten years her senior; how his enthusiasm about his new chemical process turned to bitter disappointment in the face of official rejection; how he escaped to West Berlin a few weeks before the Wall was built and hoped that she would follow him …
На торжественном открытии Симплонского туннеля, соединившего железной дорогой Италию и Швейцарию, богато и изящно одетые господа произносили высокопарные речи, гремели оркестры, а позади, за воротами стояла огромная толпа бедных, изнуренных людей - тех, кто своими руками строил этот туннель. Кого только не было здесь: немцы, итальянцы, испанцы и швейцарцы. Они все вместе терпели нужду и голод, получали гроши за свой непосильный труд, болели и страдали. Но многому и научились - они поняли, что, только объединившись, они могут бороться за свои права...