David Opatoshu

David Opatoshu

Рождение : 1918-01-30,

Смерть : 1996-04-30


David Opatoshu


Conspiracy: The Trial of the Chicago 8
Judge Julius Hoffman
A made-for-cable-TV docudrama about the trial of the men accused of conspiring to cause protesters to riot at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Combines in an innovative manner dramatic recreations (largely faithful to the actual trial transcripts) with documentary footage and interviews with the actual defendants.
Under Siege
Ambassador Sajid Moktasanni
Terrorists launch an attack against the USA. Their first strike is by a suicide squad that detonates a truckload of explosives at an army base in Washington DC. FBI probes indicate that the attack is by Arab terrorists led by Iranians. Subsequent attacks are via airplanes exploded in mid-air, crowded restaurants, and an attack on a mall. Administration cabinet heads push the President to retaliate. The director of the FBI believes that there may be more to the story than the investigation has revealed and the Secretary of Defense is the only other person urging caution.
Флэш Гордон: Самое великое приключение из всех
Vultan ( Voice )
Анимационный фильм о приключениях Флэша Гордона, его подруги Дейл Арден, и ученого — доктора Ганса Заркова на планете Монго. Действие мультфильма начинается в 1939 году. Спасаясь от бомбежки нацистов в Варшаве, Флэш и Дейл встречают доктора Заркова. Вместе они начинают путешествие к загадочной планете Монго… Землянам предстоит встретиться с древними чудовищами планеты, побывать в шкуре рабов, найти друзей в лице удивительного человека-льва, местного «Робин Гуда» и предводителя людей-орлов. Вместе они смогут сразиться с Мингом — великим и ужасным императором планеты, который задумал поработить Землю. Причем у него в друзьях никто иной, как сам Адольф Гитлер собственой персоной!
Вынужденная месть
Sam Paschal
В этом боевике Чак Норрис сражается с гонконгской мафией. Ветеран Вьетнама Джош Рэндалл работает вышибалой и собирателем долгов у владельца казино в Гонконге. Когда мафия убивает как босса, так и его подружку, Рэндалл отправляется в одиночку уничтожать мафию.
Forty Days of Musa Dagh
Armenian guerrilla troops fight against the Turkish forces on the mountain of Musa Dagh.
Beyond Evil
Dr. Solomon
Middle-aged newlyweds Larry & Barbara spend their honeymoon at a palatial Caribbean mansion, unaware that it is inhabited by the vengeful spirit of a notorious voodoo witch queen who was murdered a century ago. The woman's evil spirit promptly begins precipitating a variety of violent deaths in accordance with a diabolical ritual intended to bring her back to life -a process which is ultimately consummated by taking possession of Barbara's body.
Abdul Muhammad
In a story told in narrative flashbacks, a young TV consultant is hired by the President of a bankrupt USA to organize a telethon in order to prevent the country from being repossessed by wealthy Native Americans.
In Search of Historic Jesus
Re-created Biblical tableaux mixed with interviews.
Кто остановит дождь
По роману Роберта Стоуна "Псы-воины". Ветеран вьетнамской войны по просьбе своего друга соглашается перевезти из Юго-восточной Азии домой в Америку два килограмма героина. Но когда он приезжает к жене друга, чтобы отдать "товар", всё идёт наперекосяк.
Ziegfeld: The Man and His Women
Flo's Father
Four women intimate with the showman tell his life story.
Рейд на Энтеббе
Menachem Begin
Самолет компании «Эр Франс», на борту которого находилось более 100 израильских пассажиров, захватили палестинские террористы. Посадив самолет в аэропорту Уганды, террористы начали диктовать свои требования. Но правительство Израиля не пошло на переговоры. Вместо парламентеров, в Уганду на освобождение заложников отправился отряд спецназа…
Francis Gary Powers: The True Story of the U-2 Spy Incident
The story of Francis Gary Powers, a U-2 pilot for the CIA who was shot down in his spy plane over Russia, captured and imprisoned.
Conspiracy of Terror
A husband-and-wife detective team investigate the existence of lethal Satanic cults , while the husband battles with his Orthodox Jewish parents who haven't forgiven him for marrying a Gentile woman.
Portrait: A Man Whose Name Was John
Rabbi Isaac Herzog
During World War II, Archbishop Angelo Roncalli attempts to save Jews in Italy from Nazi exterminators.
Romance of a Horsethief
Since time immemorial, the simple-minded boisterous people of Malava, a small Polish town near the border of imperial Russia, have lived on horse-stealing, horse-trading and horse-smuggling. Life changes abruptly when a Russian garrison, commanded by Captain Stoloff, occupies the town and, in the name of the Czar, requisitions all the horses for the Russian-Japanese War. With no more horses to steal, Kifke cannot afford to marry Estusha and all the young men in the village are likely to be incorporated into the Russian army. This state of affairs cannot continue and Zavill will take care of things. Written by Guy Bellinger (IMDB)
Romance of a Horsethief
Schloime Kradnik
Since time immemorial, the simple-minded boisterous people of Malava, a small Polish town near the border of imperial Russia, have lived on horse-stealing, horse-trading and horse-smuggling. Life changes abruptly when a Russian garrison, commanded by Captain Stoloff, occupies the town and, in the name of the Czar, requisitions all the horses for the Russian-Japanese War. With no more horses to steal, Kifke cannot afford to marry Estusha and all the young men in the village are likely to be incorporated into the Russian army. This state of affairs cannot continue and Zavill will take care of things. Written by Guy Bellinger (IMDB)
Incident in San Francisco
Herschel Roman
A man who tries to stop a mugging finds himself accused of murdering the criminal after the victim and witnesses fail to corroborate his story. A young reporter believes the man and tries to find out why the parties involved are trying to frame him.
Death of a Gunfighter
Edward Rosenbloom
In the turn-of-the century Texas town of Cottownwood Springs, marshal Frank Patch is an old-style lawman in a town determined to become modern. When he kills drunken Luke Mills in self-defense, the town leaders decide it's time for a change. That ask for Patch's resignation, but he refuses on the basis that the town on hiring him had promised him the job for as long as he wanted it. Afraid for the town's future and even more afraid of the fact that Marshal Patch knows all the town's dark secrets, the city fathers decide that old-style violence is the only way to rid themselves of the unwanted lawman.
The Smugglers
Alfredo Faggio
A woman and her stepdaughter attempt to sneak a few souvenirs past customs and inadvertently become the couriers for an international smuggling ring.
Enter Laughing
Morris Kolowitz
David Kolowitz, a nice young man living with his parents in New York City in 1938, works at a machine repair shop. His parents want David to study to become a pharmacist. But what he really wants is to be an actor like his idol, Ronald Colman. One day, at his friend Marvin's suggestion, David tries out for a part in a play, and gets it, despite his obvious lack of acting experience (not to mention ability). True, it's a rather small part in a low-rent production. Leading the troupe is a washed-up, alcoholic actor who hires David at the urging of his actress-daughter, who finds David "cute." To play his part, David must come up with his own costume - a tuxedo - and pay the house five dollars a week, ostensibly for tuition. But it is David's first acting job, one which calls for him to "enter laughing." And if it doesn't work out - well, there's always pharmacy school.
The Defector
An American scientist is sent by the CIA to East Germany to retrieve a secret microfilm from a Soviet scientist interested in defecting to the West but the Stasi secret police's surveillance complicates matters.
Один шпион – это слишком много
Mr. Kavon
Злодей по имени Александр страдает манией величия, и абсолютно уверен в том, что его ждет слава легендарного Александра Великого. Чтобы расширить территорию своей вымышленной империи, он принимает решение совершить самые громкие преступления века. Все его злодеяния тщательно спланированы таким образом, чтобы нарушать одну за другой десять заповедей. Лишь когда в его руки попадает мощное химическое оружие, спецагенты Наполеон Соло и Илья Курякин нападают на его след. А чтобы быстрее провернуть операцию по его поимке, они берут в себе в помощницы бывшую жену Александра, Трейси.
Разорванный занавес
Mr. Jacobi
Майкл Армстронг — американский профессор физик разрабатывает новый вид ядерных ракет. Для того чтобы узнать секретную формулу конкурента — ученого Густава Линдта из Лейпцига, Армстронг временно переезжает в Восточную Германию.
Tarzan and the Valley of Gold
Augustus Vinero
In Central America, a little native boy, Ramel, is abducted by Vinaro, a madman who believes the child to be the sole link to a lost Aztec city of gold. Vinaro uses one of his diabolical explosive mechanisms to eliminate police and army officials; and the legendary Tarzan is flown in to help locate the jungle city, rescue the boy, and bring Vinaro to justice.
Guns of Darkness
President Pedro Rivera
Committed pacifist Tom Jordan's decision to help former President Rivera escape a military coup is a simple act of mercy that takes him and his wife to the edge of despair. It turns them into outlaws and fugitives, hunted by a vicious regime; yet it could also bring them together in a way they have never been before.
Лучшие враги
1941 год. Два офицера британской армии майор Ричардсон и лейтенант Бёрк отправляются на разведку, и их самолет терпит крушение на вражеской территории. Итальянский офицер капитан Блэси берет их в плен. Ричардсон и Блэси довольно быстро находят общий язык и начинают испытывать друг к другу симпатию. Но война есть война, и им приходится сражаться друг против друга…
Black City
Il commissario Natalucci
A charming rogue, the self-proclaimed leader of Naples, locks horns with an American Army general and a police inspector.
Akiva Ben Canaan
Фильм рассказывает о создании и первых годах Израиля, войне за независимость, называемой во всем мире Палестинской.
Sol Levy
Смелый и честный Янси Крават по прозвищу «Симаррон» вместе со своей молодой женой приезжает в Оклахому, куда только что хлынула волна поселенцев. Тут ему приходится столкнуться с беззаконием и произволом, царящими на новых территориях. Жители фронтира признают лишь право сильного, но именно благодаря таким людям, как Симаррон, на эту землю постепенно приходит закон и цивилизация…
What Makes Sammy Run?
Sidney Fineman
An adaptation of Budd Schulberg's incendiary 1941 novel about the rise of an unscrupulous Hollywood producer. The production was divided into two parts and aired on NBC's Sunday Showcase.
Lou Forbes
Чикаго, 1930-е. Работающий на мафию адвокат и танцовщица из ночного клуба, оба в равной степени тщеславные и потрепанные жизнью, делают всё, чтобы завоевать симпатию друг друга.
Братья Карамазовы
Capt. Snegiryov
Россия, 1870. Напряженность в семействе Карамазовых. Американский вариант прочтения Достоевского.
Police Officer
Mayerling is the name of a notorious Austrian village linked to a romantic tragedy. At a royal hunting lodge there, in 1889, Crown Prince Rudolf--desperate over his father's command to put away his teenage mistress, the Baroness Marie Vetsera--shot her to death and killed himself. The misfortune may indeed have been a murder-suicide, but perhaps it was a political assassination, or even the result of a lunatic family vendetta: scholarship is still catching up with the facts.
Crowded Paradise
A Puerto Rican immigrant anxiously awaits his wedding day, but his fiancé's racist landlord intervenes.
The Goldbergs
Mr. Dutton
Feature film using characters from the popular radio show and the pioneering 1949 TV series, about a Bronx family coping with everyday problems.
Воровское шоссе
Frenchy (uncredited)
Воровское Шоссе ярко изображает рискованный мир «мальчиков долгого пути», кто двигается ночью, чтобы доставить свои товары на рынки городов Америки. Ричард Конте в роли американского ветерана Ника Гаркоса, водителя-новичка, вынужденного работать на человека, ответственного за нанесение вреда его отцу — оператору рынка Майку Фиглии. Но когда Фиглиа прислушивается к его плану, Ник оказывается в сети предательства и горя.
The Light Ahead
Fishke (the lame)
The Light Ahead is possibly the greatest of Edgar G. Ulmer’s shtetl films. Here, the director counterpoints his pastoral Green Fields to criticize the poverty and superstition that oppress a pair of star-crossed lovers. Made on the eve of World War II, The Light Ahead is at once romantic, expressionist, and painfully conscious of the danger about to engulf European Jews. Impoverished and disabled lovers Fishke and Hodel dream of life in the big city of Odessa, free from the poverty and stifling old-world prejudices of the shtetl. The benevolent and enlightened bookseller Mendele helps them, turning small-town superstitions to their advantage. Based on Mendele Mokher Seforim's story of love frustrated by small-town ignorance, this luminous allegory of escape marries Edgar Ulmer's masterful direction with superb acting by members of New York's Artef and Yiddish Art Theaters.