В конце 19 века молодой датский священник отправляется в отдаленную часть Исландии, чтобы построить церковь и сфотографировать ее жителей. Но чем глубже он погружается в неумолимый ландшафт, тем больше он отклоняется от своей цели, своей миссии и морали.
Additional Director of Photography
Когда мы умираем, возникает необходимость выполнить некоторые формальности, прежде чем наше пребывание на земле закончится. Авторы фильма приглашают зрителя в мир вокруг нашей конечной станции, в индустрию смерти. Там экзистенциальное встречается с банальным, сакральное с профанным.
Director of Photography
В захолустном исландском городке начальник полиции начинает подозревать местного жителя в том, что у него был роман с его женой, которая недавно погибла в автомобильной аварии. Постепенно навязчивая идея узнать правду всё сильнее овладевает мужчиной, и он неизбежно начинает подвергать опасности себя и своих близких.
What makes a mother give away her baby? This is the big question in Sun Hee Engelstoft’s poignant heartbreaker of a film about three Korean women who have become pregnant outside of marriage and are now hiding from the outside world until they give birth. They live in a shelter for unwed mothers on a South Korean island, where beautiful landscapes are in sharp contrast to the fierce dilemma that women go through: should they keep their children or give them up for adoption? Engelstoft has been given unique access to this particular shelter run by the strong-willed Mrs. Im, who fights for the girls’ independence but is up against a social structure and family tradition that leaves women in an impossible situation. Engelstoft’s sensitive portrait brings us close to a forbidden world and through her own experience as a Korean adoptee, she gives a deeply personal and extraordinary insight into a culture in which women can’t choose their own fate.
Maria von Hausswolff and Anne Gry Kristensen's dark, psycho-ethnographic film trip Entrance to the End is shot on 16mm in the deep, dark jungles of Panama, where evolutionary theory and the subconscious meet.
В центре сюжета фильма два работающих на заводе брата, их непростые взаимоотношения, недопонимание и ссоры, усложняющие их существование день ото дня.
Imagine: An alien has landed on a foreign planet, where life once existed. The alien moves around aimlessly through dark shifting nature, occasionally coming across a frozen figure, a human, poised in time and action, in a deserted wilderness where the sunlight is now out of reach. ALIEN TOURIST comes together as a conglomeration of fragments - of images, places, frozen moments and echoing sounds that present the viewer with a vision of our world, now gone.
Director of Photography
Кьелль и Вибеке живут спокойной и размеренной жизнью вот уже многие годы, а их сын Эсбен достиг того возраста, когда пора начинать самостоятельную жизнь. Привыкшие, что сын всегда рядом, родители не могут ничего с собой поделать — они скучают, поэтому Кьелль, желая устроить сюрприз для жены, находит старую квартиру, в которой они провели молодость, и предлагает Вибеке поселиться там — ближе к сыну, который уже съехал от них. Но не только это заставило Кьелля вернуться в старую квартиру. Его одолевает ностальгия по молодым годам, и он пытается обставить всю мебель, как в прежние времена.
Director of Photography
Death, the passage of time and eternity. Big topics, but seen from a new and original perspective in a film based on a simple idea: that one's sense of time ceases to function when one dies, and that one for a short – or in fact very long – moment has the chance to experience eternity. And to therefore live in a single memory forever. Which one would you choose? 'I Remember When I Die' takes place at life's last destination, a hospice, but is a poetic and vital journey into the borderland of consciousness, and right into a possible afterlife.
Director of Photography
Short film exploring various American film locations which have substituted for other locations all over the world.
A man is in the ocean fighting for his life. He is surrounded by seven boats.
Director of Photography
We follow a painter, a successful artist living alone and isolated. Driven only by his work, he finds himself lost when he’s forced to deal with his unannoced son and other outsiders that stand in the way of his work and get him out of balance.
It's a movie about a subject that captivates me. And I can see that it also captivates the world and people and has done it at all times. It is the meeting with the stranger. Why is it so difficult to relate to those who's not like ourselves? We constantly divide the world into 'us against them'. Each time we meet a new person, we define ourselves in contrast to the other. We do not look at what connects us, but what separates us. It seems like something that is pervasive - not just for Denmark, Europe and the US, but in every possible society and culture in the world at all times. It is a common human condition that we have endless difficulty in dealing with the stranger. With this movie, I want to ask a single question that sets the world on fire. It is an exploration of my own wonder why the encounter with the stranger is so explosive and can make seemingly sensible people like myself and others mad.