Sound Editor
Based on Andrus Kivirähk's books "Poo and spring", "Carnival and Potato Salad" and "Ghost and Facebook", the film tells about longing, friendship, love, family and fears, which often have big eyes. The adventures of the strange characters are spiced with the characteristic warm and bold humor of Kivirähk, wittily weaving together the boundless fantasy of children and the living conditions of the modern world.
Sound Director
In the middle of the night, a drunk town guard happens to meet the daughter of a rich merchant… who drowned herself into a well 10 years ago. Soon after the town guard falls dead from the tower. This is followed by two other suspicious deaths. Doubting the existence of the ghost, Melchior has a hunch that these ‘accidents’ are part of a heinous crime. Tracking down the killer, his path will cross with heretics, old feuds and dark family secrets.
Sound Director
По мотивам исторического романа Индрека Харгла (Indrek Hargla).
Эстонский исторический детективный фильм, созданный в 2021 году. Это первая часть трилогии о Мельхиоре. Фильм посвящен аптекарю Мельхиору Вакенстеде , который расследует преступления в средневековом Таллинне в 1409 году.
Убит знаменитый рыцарь Клингенштайн, который освободил от пиратов Балтийскоe морe. Голова героя отрублена, а рот набит монетами. Золотая цепочка, которую он купил в день своей гибели, пропала.
Судебный пристав (фогт) поручает аптекарю Мельхиору, умеющему разговаривать с мёртвыми, расследовать преступление. Умный юноша обнаруживает, что убитый искал таинственного „таллиннского узника“ и следы ведут в Доминиканский монастырь. Развязывается чудовищная череда кровопролитий — любому, кто соприкоснётся с этой тайной, грозит смерть.
В то же время аптекарь сомневается в своем ученике, который, кажется, что-то скрывает...
Sound Director
It is time to get out of the closet and show the world your teeth. The director, who considers himself to be Mozart, has been tootling with his films in the festival circuit for years, waiting for a big breakthrough. For an inexplicable reason, the world has not recognised his talent. Still only Salieris have garnered the fame and the fortune. There is a simple conclusion. The world has not learned anything in 200 years and keeps repeating the same mistake.
Sound Director
A stray dog gives birth to the main character Poo, on a marvellous spring day. The young Poo befriends a Sparrow, who educates him in ways of life. Observing loving sparrow family’s ventures from his shanty throughout autumn and winter, a desire for a beloved arises in Poo’s heart.
Sound Editor
A stray dog gives birth to the main character Poo, on a marvellous spring day. The young Poo befriends a Sparrow, who educates him in ways of life. Observing loving sparrow family’s ventures from his shanty throughout autumn and winter, a desire for a beloved arises in Poo’s heart.
Sound Director
A wide range of relatives and acquaintances have traveled to a funeral, and as is typical of Estonians, the sad event turns into a comical one as the evening develops. The primordial disputes that arise among the Estonians take on hyperbolic dimensions as events unfold, creating misunderstandings.
Sound Director
The documentary gives us a look into a year in Estonian recent history, namely the year 2019, which brought us a schism in our politics and our generations. Where are we headed in this unbalanced world? Can we protect our land from our own controversial demands?
Sound Director
Andres is a sensitive teenager raised by his strict grandparents in a small bland Soviet Estonian town. He is being bullied at school and his only friends are the drunkards, whores, and thieves living next door.
Sound Director
From time to time, Mephistopheles manifests himself to the Estonian people through Linnar Priimägi. The released energy gives birth to chaos. Manfred Vainokivi tries his hardest to portray the one who causes it. Unsuccessfully, of course. Because even the largest letters are unreadable in twilight, as Goethe said. And there is a lot of twilight now. At least according to Linnar.
Sound Director
Старый космонавт сейчас живет в своей квартире, как на космической станции. Он по-прежнему выполняет героические миссии и скучает по близким родственникам. Его родственники видят это иначе. Способен ли этот старик жить с нормами общества?
Sound Director
Руби скоро будет шесть лет, и она очень довольна тем, как устроена ее жизнь. Но однажды неожиданно выясняется, что ее старший брат Марк должен пойти в школу, а, значит, им с Руби придется расстаться. Это очень печалит Руби. Чтобы утешить сестру, Марк делает для нее тряпичную куклу. Сипсик оказывается не простой куклой: он оживает и постепенно становится главным товарищем Руби во всех ее играх, на которые Марк теперь смотрит свысока. Вместе, Руби и Сипсику предстоит пережить множество увлекательных приключений, а брату Марку, чтобы вернуть доверие сестры, однажды придется вспомнить свою детскую веру в чудеса.
Sound Director
Fred Jüssi has built his life at the crossroads between nature and culture. He is a true philosopher of the outdoors who has given deep consideration to the fundamental questions of being human. This film is about fruitful idling. A hymn for living slowly. As Fred Jüssi puts it: sometimes you just have to be sinfully slothful, and all by yourself.
Sound Director
The final film in the trilogy takes us on another wild ridewhich will stop at nothing and will leave no time to feel shame. The three best friends –Mart, Andres and Toomas, are back! And as always, they offer genius solutions to both their personal problems, as well as the audience’s spare time.
Sound Recordist
У замечательной девочки-собачки Лотте появляется маленькая сестричка Роози. В Деревню изобретателей приезжают ученые: енот Карл и рыба Виктор, которые участвуют в большом конкурсе собирателей народных песен. Главный приз конкурса достанется тому, кому посчастливится записать народную песню старейших из представителей животного мира – мифических огнедышащих драконов. Лотте и Роози решают помочь ученым. Впереди их ждут увлекательные и неожиданные приключения.
Sound Director
A 10-year old girl's Christmas plans take an unexpected turn after she is brought to a mysterious Estonian farm.
Sound Editor
The mystical and thrilling drama asks what sort of reality can give our life meaning. The film tells the story of Pia (38), an ophthalmologist, whose marriage has recently ended because she was not able to have children. As she strives to move forward with her life, Pia learns the unknown but also finds her inner strength. Unexpectedly, her deepest wish to become a mother materializes, but not quite in the way she imagined it.
Sound Director
Class Reunion 2: A Wedding and a Funeral sees the return of the three high-school friends Mart, Andres and Toomas. This time they are planning a memorable stag party for Toomas, but due to unexpected turn of events end up at a funeral instead. It has been a year since the unforgettable class reunion and our three friends have all reached new stages in their lives. The rock star Toomas (Genka) has finally decided to get married. Mart (Mait Malmsten) is having troubles with his wife. And Andres (Ago Anderson) has declared war on the female sex and decided to become a resolute bachelor.
Sound Director
A documentary exploring the difficulties the newly-independent Estonia faced in the early 1990s after emerging from decades of Soviet rule. The film focuses especially on then-32-year-old and inexperienced Mart Laar, who became country's prime minister while there still were tens of thousands of Soviet soldiers in the country.
Sound Designer
"A Bad Scene" is a film compilation, which speaks about the darker currents hiding in human relationships, situations, which are practically inescapable, in five different ways. The fourth short film, “Bewitched”, directed by Maria Avdjushko, talks about middle-aged Rainar, who discovers on a family outing that they have left behind their food. Wandering in the forest, he stumbles upon mysterious Liina, who slowly bewitches him.
Sound Designer
"A Bad Scene" is a film compilation, which speaks about the darker currents hiding in human relationships, situations, which are practically inescapable, in five different ways. Harassment, mental violence, manipulation, cornering – these topics are current in both politics as well as private sphere. In these nightmarish confrontations, dramatics, mysticism as well as twisted comedy can be found. The third short film “Agreement” by Andres Maimik and Rain Tolk takes the viewer to the middle of the chaos of a film set. What can a director do when a small pretty girl turns into the most capricious diva? The chains of manipulation reach far and wide.
Sound Designer
"A Bad Scene" is a film compilation, which speaks about the darker currents hiding in human relationships, situations, which are practically inescapable, in five different ways. The second short film "Early Spring" is not a cool youth movie about frolicking teenagers. It's a sociopsychological challenge to incite a discussion about group dynamics, conformism, and social roles that are largely shaped and confirmed in teenage years. Hopefully there is a moment of self-reflection here for everyone who has witnessed the blind acceptance of the group leader's whims, even when they clash with the observer's principles and conscience. Later it's almost impossible to analyse what happened, and why. Sander is not the only victim here. You could even speak about Alo in those terms, not to mention Laura. In another world, Sander and Laura might have been a young couple in love, but it is impossible in given social structure.
Sound Editor
Mattias has a dream to become a photography student of the Berlin Arts Academy. On the journey of following his calling, his dream is constantly put to a test after Mattias falls in love with a beautiful free spirit Hanna. Trying to win her heart, Mattias feels the need to prove Hanna, that he can be just as adventurous and unpredictable as she is. Breaking the law together with Hanna, Mattias risks everything dear to him, not knowing yet, that Hanna's bold acts are only the symptoms of bipolar disorder. In the moment of jelousy Mattias accidentally commits a crime that could put him behind bars for years. The only escape he sees is to get himself declared irresponsible. In order to achieve that Mattias decides to start faking the illness her gilfriend really has - bipolarity.
Sound Editor
Эльза заботится о своем взрослом сыне, впавшем в кому после того, как в него стреляли. Она встречается лицом к лицу со многими людьми, которые пытаются разгадать, что же произошло с ее сыном. Но, может быть, в маленьком эстонском городке, где все все знают друг о друге, за исключением того, что произошло прямо у них под носом, даже самое нерасторопное в мире преступление останется неразгаданным.
When a former fistfighter Madis leaves the prison, he feels he will get another chance in life. Nothing can go wrong this time. Madis will be accompanied by his nephew who has something completely opposite in his mind. A game begins where both the weak and the strong get more and more opportunities.