Kristian Otero


A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.
I Think I See God in the Window
A child seeks salvation from his abusive father to no avail, until one day he sees a mysterious flashing light in next door window.
A doctor specializes in resurrecting loved ones, there is only one rule his clients must adhere to: the subject must never know it died.
A sad man purchases a pornographic videotape; instead of a regular erotic video, he finds himself watching his parents have the very act that brought him into this world.
Кассадага — название городка во Флориде, население которого составляет чуть больше 200 человек. Говорят, его населяют люди с паранормальными способностями, которым платят большие деньги за сеансы всегда стремящиеся попасть туда туристы. Фильм рассказывает о том, что не стоит вызывать души своих умерших сестер, как бы по ним не скучали родственники, потому что призраки не любят, когда их тревожат…
The Walker
A man who's confined to a wheelchair learns of a solitary tree that is said to heal those with physical disabilities, the only condition is one must make it to the tree without any assistance.
Carol Crawford
A struggling young actress is cast in a film by a mysterious production company; as she prepares for her role the character's fictitious narrative starts to bleed into her reality.