Moritz Siebert


Executive Producer
Gerson Liebl, grandson of a German colonial official from Togo, has been fighting for 30 years for the preservation of German citizenship and a right of residence in Germany. As a last resort, he resorts to a hunger strike. The images of his unflinching perseverance in front of Berlin's Red City Hall are accompanied on the soundtrack by statements, testimonies, paragraphs, legal texts, political viewpoints and excuses – then and now.
Gerson Liebl, grandson of a German colonial official from Togo, has been fighting for 30 years for the preservation of German citizenship and a right of residence in Germany. As a last resort, he resorts to a hunger strike. The images of his unflinching perseverance in front of Berlin's Red City Hall are accompanied on the soundtrack by statements, testimonies, paragraphs, legal texts, political viewpoints and excuses – then and now.
My New European Life
When Abou from Mali finally made it to Europe, it felt like a new life had started for him. A life, that offered a future. The film he made about his journey from Africa to Europe gets shown all over the world and throughout Germany, where Abou lives as an asylum seeker. His life oscillates between that of an artist with a voice, who is invited to screenings and events, and the isolation and boredom in a remote refugee centre. An essayistic reflection about Europe’s invisible borders and filmmaking as an act of self-empowerment.
С горы Гуругу, находящейся в Марокко, видно Мелилью — испанское владение на побережье Африки. Ступить на европейскую территорию — мечта сотен беженцев, проживающих в стихийном лагере на горе. От Мелильи их отделяет тройной забор. В лагере живут только мужчины. Время отмеряется от одной попытки перелезть через забор до другой. Некоторые после месяцев неудач возвращаются на родину, кого-то убивают при пересечении границы. Герой фильма, малиец Абу, снимает жизнь в лагере и регулярные попытки беженцев стать европейцами.