Carol Moore


Один на один
Когда 34-летнему мойщику окон Джону остается жить всего несколько месяцев, он пытается сделать все возможное, чтобы обеспечить мальчику прекрасное будущее.
The Truth Commissioner
Mrs Lorimer
Set in a post-Troubles Northern Ireland, The Truth Commissioner follows the fictional story of Henry Stanfield, played by Roger Allam, a career diplomat who has just been appointed as Truth Commissioner to Northern Ireland. Eager to make good as a peacemaker, the Prime Minister urges a commission following the South African model of Truth and Reconciliation. But, though Stanfield starts bravely, he quickly uncovers some bloody and inconvenient truths about those now running the country; truths which none of those in power are prepared to have revealed.
The dark story of three people who become playthings of the devil: a man, Shawshank, human enough but with a glee for spoiling people’s lives. There’s what looks at first like a normal sexual triangle: a girl, Pumpgirl, who works in the local garage and thinks she’s one of the lads; a freewheeling jack-the-lad, Hammy, who’s in love with no-one but himself; and a woman, Sinead, neglected, lonely, out looking for a joyride of her own. Three people, one night; a night of sex and violence, resulting in consequences - and not just for them alone.
Пять минут рая
Susan - 1975
В 1975 году 17-летний Алистер Литтл, активист Ольстерских Добровольческих Сил, застрелил 19-летнего католика Джима Гриффина в его собственном доме. Свидетелем убийства стал младший брат Джима, Джо. Тридцать лет спустя, реабилитированный и перевоспитавшийся Алистер вышел из тюрьмы, а Джо Гриффин по-прежнему несет тяжкий груз преступления, свидетелем которого ему пришлось стать. Согласившись стать участниками телевизионной передачи, создатели которой хотят устроить их примирение в прямом эфире, двое мужчин впервые встретятся лицом к лицу не только друг с другом, но и с собственной болью, ненавистью и жаждой мести.
Silent Grace
Mrs Quinn
In 1976 the British Government put an end to the special category status of prisoners from the Provisional Irish Republican Army, no longer treating them as prisoners of war, but as common criminals. Mairéad Farrell - on whose life much of the film seems to be loosely based - was the first woman Republican to be refused political status in 1976. By 1980, when the film is set, Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister and doggedly resolute: “There can be no question of political status for someone who is serving a sentence for crime. Crime is crime is crime.” Silent Grace seeks to capture the struggle for the restoration of political status that was at the heart of prison protests in Northern Ireland - not just by the more celebrated male prisoners - but by a smaller number of women prisoners, led by Farrell, at the Armagh Women’s Prison.
The King's Wake
The Morrigan
It's Samhain (Hallowe'en) in old Ireland, and King Connor is haunted by his life, his legacy, and the enemies he killed in his time. Based on the famous Ulster Cycle.
Reefer and the Model
Teresa, The Model
Reefer and the Model is a 1988 Irish film written and directed by Joe Comerford. It concerns Reefer, a former Irish Republican Army man who operates a ferry using an old trawler between the Galway coast and the Aran Islands; his friends Spider and Badger; and the pregnant Teresa ("the Model"), who has abandoned a life of drugs and prostitution in England. The group become involved in the armed robbery of a post office and are pursued by the Gardaí. The film premièred in Galway in August 1988. Reefer and the Model won the Europa Prize at the Barcelona Festival, and Best Feature at the Celtic Film Festival in Wales. At the 1988 European Film Awards, the film was nominated for Best Young Film, Carol Scanlan was nominated for Best Actress, and Ray McBride was nominated for Best Supporting Actor.
The Cry
Ulster 1959. A young journalist visiting his quiet hometown is awakened by a scream in the night. He catches sight of a youth being beaten up and dragged away. When he investigates, witnesses seem to melt away, and life-long friends reveal a sinister indifference. Or is it fear?