Tired of poverty, Keiko leaves home and soon takes a lover, but leads a wanton life without paying heed to his advice. However, the younger sister Yoshiko, is an innocent and kind girl. One day, with the sudden death of their mother in a car accident, Keiko learns that she and Yoshiko are actually stepsisters, and that she is the daughter of a murderer. She now plans extortion from Yoshiko's true father who is the president of a well-known trading company.
В ночь воздушного налёта на Токио 24 мая 1945 года на развалинах встречаются молодые мужчина и женщина, Харуки Атомия и Матико Удзииэ. Вместе пережив бомбёжку в бомбоубежище, на утро молодые люди расстаются на мосту Сукия, пообещав друг другу встретиться на этом же месте через шесть месяцев, 24 ноября в 8 часов вечера. Прощаясь, они не назвали своих имен.
В назначенный день юноша приходит на мост один. Что-то помешало девушке исполнить своё обещание...
Shunsuke Washimi, a member of the karate club, misunderstands the affections of Chiyo, a lodging house girl who is in love with him and in the midst of a confusion challenges Yamauchi Tatsuhiko to a fight, forgetting the true core of martial arts, that should only be used as a selfdefense.
In a small town, according to the homecoming of Professor Ishinaka, the youth culture group was overwhelmed to make a presentation for the summer festival, but because of lack of funds, she works part-time at the spectacle of a tour, a haunted house Especially. The ghost was a struggle amongst the people, it was a great success in filling the crowd, but in the circus hut next to it, Kenji who was supposed to have disappeared was pitiful.