Richard Derr
Рождение : 1918-06-16, Norristown, Pennsylvania, USA
Смерть : 1992-05-08
Richard Derr (June 15, 1917 – May 8, 1992) was an American actor who worked on stage, screen and television, performing in both starring and supporting roles.
Admiral Curtin
Как адская летучая мышь проносится он в небе со скоростью, в шесть раз превышающей скорость звука. Словно мерцающий призрак, остаётся он невидимым для самых чувствительных радаров. Будто смертельно ядовитая кобра, он поражает противника своими ювелирно точными ракетами. Он - истребитель МИГ-31: самое смертельное оружие, когда-либо созданное человеком. Этот сверхсекретный самолёт был сделан в СССР и получил кодовое название «Огненный лис». Чтобы баланс сил в ходе Холодной Войны не был нарушен и наши с вами соотечественники не получили преимущества, американцы решают похитить это чудо техники.
Party Guest
Maggie Parker, a U.S. Senator's ambitious aide, falls head over heels for her boss' chief adversary, Michael Reynolds, a high-powered lobbyist who happens to be married with children. Both mismatched lovers become involved in a long-running affair.
Mr. Williams
Джулиан зарабатывает на жизнь эскортом в Лос-Анджелесе. Он начинает отношения с Мишель, женой местного политика, не ожидая никакой оплаты. Внезапно одна из его клиенток найдена мертвой, и подозрения падают на самого Джулиана. Тем временем Мишель начинает в него влюбляться.
На опасных улицах Нового Орлеана Харпер сталкивается с массой таинственных личностей, среди которых начальник полиции, всегда готовый схватиться за оружие, и жестокий и алчный нефтяной магнат. Сыщик все глубже погружается в омут тайн и опасностей и, в конце концов, оказывается в ловушке — в камере смерти, в «Бассейне утопленников», из которой, кажется, нет выхода.
Dr. Tillman
A successful public relations man's refusal to admit his alcoholism jeopardizes his career, his family and his life. ABC Movie of the Week.
Highway Patrolman
A woman is trapped during a storm in a house with no electricity or phone. A killer has murdered her sister, stuffed the body in the basement, and is now after her.
Mr. Gaines
A disenchanted young Professor of Semantics at a California college learns of a distant relative's death in Missouri. He journeys cross-country to the funeral, then decides to spend the summer there and work as a laborer for a power-line company. In time, he meets a girl and falls in love but then faces an important decision as to which direction he wants his life to go.
U.S. Embassy Official - Copenhagen (uncredited)
Агенты американской и французской разведок пытаются разоблачить советских шпионов на Кубе. По полученной информации, советский разведчик внедрился в структуру НАТО. Им предстоит узнать, кто скрывается под кличкой «Топаз». Проведенное расследование приводит агентов в высшие эшелоны Французского правительства…
Mr. Clinton
In the swinging sixties three girls discover they have the same boyfriend who has been playing around with them all while vowing fidelity to each. To teach him a lesson he won't forget, the trio contrive to lock him up and continually favour him with their attentions in turn.
Jack Hale
Stephen Rojack is a decorated war vet who has now found success as an outspoken television personality. During a vicious argument with his wife, Deborah, Stephen snaps and pushes her from his high-rise apartment to her death. He manages to convince the authorities that she killed herself, then reignites an old affair with singer Cherry McMahon -- which doesn't sit well with her jealous mobster boyfriend, Nicky.
William Fitzgerald
A mad scientist transforms a panther into a man-like creature that escapes and goes on a murderous rampage.
Lamont Cranston
Lamont Cranston, aka The Shadow, investigates the murder of a New Orleans bandleader.
Tony Collins
Алан Миллер, бывший алкоголик, в свободное от работы время по просьбе организации «Анонимные алкоголики» приходит к людям, оказавшимся в плену зависимости, и простым общением помогает им преодолеть тягу к спиртному. Однажды его вызывают к девушке, которая прежде была актрисой, но из-за собственных страхов променяла сцену на бутылку…
David Randall
Когда астрономы вычисляют, что приближающаяся к Земле звезда должна привести к ужасной катастрофе, принимается решение построить ракету, на которой группа избранных сможет избежать апокалипсиса.
Based on the short story by Ben Hecht.
Soviet Col. Aleksandr Melnikov
The story of Cardinal Josef Mindzhenty, a Roman Catholic cardinal from Hungary who spoke out against both the Nazi occupation of his country during World War II and the Communist regime that replaced it after the war.
Jean de Metz, a knight
В Северной Франции, истерзанной постоянными междоусобными войнами с бургундцами и многолетней войной с англичанами, в простой крестьянской семье Жака д`Арка родилась дочь Жанна. В возрасте 12-ти лет Жанна впервые познала божественный свет, и голос промолвил, что Богом на неё возложена миссия спасти Францию и изгнать англичан. Весной 1429 года девушка добралась до крепости на Луаре и добилась встречи с королем. Владыка поверил юной деве и поставил ее во главе отряда рыцарей. Рыцари Жанны Де Арк освобождали одну область Франции за другой…
Charles G.K. Worton
Capt. Jeremy Bradford has a particularly exciting luxury liner cruise in store when he's charged with transporting a troupe of opera singers to Rio de Janeiro. Anxious to become a singer herself, Bradford's young daughter, Polly, decides to skip out on school and sneak onto the ship before it departs. Angry that his daughter disobeyed him, Bradford puts her to work on the ship for punishment, but Polly has her own ideas about how to spend the trip.
Bruce Kope Johnson
McGrath publishes books for children and Uncle Bump is one of the best sellers. Unfortunately, Greg, who is Uncle Bump, tends to drink too much and has not started his next book. Martha won a contest to illustrate the book and the first thing that happens is that Greg gets her soused. To keep her there to illustrate, John gets a juvenile delinquent named Danny to play his son and show how much pressure he is under. The ploy works at first, but Greg's heart was broken by Tillie, and Martha may be the girl who makes him forget all about her.
Larry Addams
Penny Addams lives in a constant state of depression stemming from the trauma of her father's death when she was just a young girl. Her brother, Chase, and stepmother, Lee, work to help Penny process her grief through psychotherapy and revisiting their past, but only the revelation of long-buried family secrets -- including her mother's secret lover and the true nature of her father's death -- can bring Penny out of her intense despair.
Marine with Thermometer
The Army nurses on Bataan need help badly, but when it arrives, it sure isn't what they expected. A motley crew, including a Southern belle, a waitress, and a stripper, show up. Many conflicts arise among these women who are thrown together in what is a desperate and ultimately hopeless situation.
John Logan, Defense Attorney
Private detective Michael Shayne is on the case again, but this time he's stuck on a jury for a murder trial. So, what does he do? Why, he skips out on sequestration in order to solve the case himself!
This historical drama tells the story of the first class to graduate from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. In the early 19th Century, Congress appropriated the money to build the school, but opponents who believed it to be an illegitimate expansion of the powers of the federal government decided to sabotage the school. They put the hard-as-nails Major Sam Carter in charge of the academy, and he ruthlessly put the recruits through grueling training -- until only ten prospective soldiers remained. They include Dawson, a patriotic farm boy and Howard Shelton, a selfish playboy who has come to West Point only because of its prestige. The two vie for Carolyn Bainbridge, while they, along with the other eight, try convince Carter that the school is worth keeping.
Roger Blake
A man believed to be dead and buried escapes from his grave and returns to the scene of the crime seeking revenge.
Carl Detheridge
В замке, стоящем в пустыне Мохаве и принадлежащем миллионеру Полу Мандерли, происходит загадочная смерть одного из его гостей, знаменитого профессора. Врач делает заключение, что погибший был отравлен ядом, но властям, чтобы избежать скандала, сообщают, что смерть произошла от сердечного приступа. Детектив Чарли Чен получает письмо, подписанное супругой Пола, наследницей знаменитого семейства Борджиа с просьбой приехать в замок...
Several servicemen relax by playing pool, but one of them goes off to spend time with a prostitute. Later, he discovers he has contracted a venereal disease. A graphic and frank presentation of the types and treatment of venereal disease follows.
Stewart Haines
After inheriting a New York City art gallery, bookie Milton Berle and his partner Cesar Romero decide to go into the art forgery business. Director Ray McCarey's 1942 comedy also stars Carole Landis, J. Carrol Naish, Steven Geray, Richard Derr, Rose Hobart, Elisha Cook Jr., Chick Chandler, Francis Pierlot and Jerome Cowan.
FBI agent Bob Grayson works in collaboration with Max, a British agent posing as a fugitive German aviator. Meanwhile, fearless girl reporter Dallas Dayle is assigned by her editor to track down the enemy aviator and get an exclusive story. When she catches up with Grayson and Max, Dallas is under the impression that Grayson is a rival reporter and Max is the genuine fugitive.
Ken Reynolds
Пара убийств в Рио-де-Жанейро заставляет местную полицию вызвать знаменитого детектива. Чарли сначала озадачен, когда выясняется, что одного из убийц убивает вдова первой жертвы.