Emre, a young and dedicated prosecutor, is newly appointed to a small town hit by a water crisis and political scandals. After an initial welcome, he experiences an increasing number of tense interactions and is reluctantly dragged into local politics. When Emre forms a bond with the owner of the local newspaper pressure escalates under heated rumours.
Hayat has come to Berlin with her husband Harun to provide a better life for their unborn child. All they have is a small suitcase and Hayat’s nightmares of her life in Syria.
Following an accident, Meral returns to live with her traditional parents where she is confined to her bed while recuperating. Nobody confronts her condition except herself. Her little sister Asiye is her biggest supporter.
Four men’s destinies slam into each other and intertwine on four balmy summer nights. Old wounds are reopened, new ones appear, unexpectedly there is a new closeness. And, when the sun rises over the city and the striking garbage men, finally ensure German order again, nothing is the same for these four men.
Марьям, жизнерадостная и общительная девушка, не считающая нужным соблюдать строгие предписания ислама, неожиданно оказывается в «интересном положении». Молодой разнорабочий Самир вдруг, обнаруживает в себе влечение к лучшему другу. Отец семейства Исмаил, по профессии полицейский, оказывается лицом к лицу с женщиной, в которую три года назад рикошетом попала пуля из его пистолета. Пути-дороги этих трех мусульман из Берлина пересекаются в мечети…