Elif Taşçıoğlu


Production Designer
Hasan is a taxi driver working the night shift. On the early-morning drive home, he sees a woman passing in high heels. Fascinated by her appearance, he does something that leads to disaster in a world where the boundaries of masculinity are clearly drawn.
Mother Virgin No More
Art Direction
As an unexpected truth about a young women gets revealed to her mother, the basic fact that a mother - daughter relationship is supposed to be based on unconditional love will have to be questioned.
The Impeccables
Two sisters in their early thirties find themselves isolated in the Aegean summer cottage of their childhood, as they must deal with their uneasy sibling relationship and confront their devastating recent past past.
The Impeccables
Production Design
Two sisters in their early thirties find themselves isolated in the Aegean summer cottage of their childhood, as they must deal with their uneasy sibling relationship and confront their devastating recent past past.
Art Direction
One day, director Zeki Demirkubuz stumbles upon the counter of Musa, a pirate film seller, and sees that his own films are also being sold. Demirkubuz will make an offer to Musa that can change his life.
Art Direction
Celal, lives an unhappy family life with his wife Sevilay and his child in a small town. Celal and his brother Cemal, running an electrician shop which doesn't go well. They are in debt. The only fun they have is going to the night clubs in Samsun. Celal's love for Sibel Ceylan who works in the night club, will cause him trouble. Celal's wife, Sevilay, saves her money, sent by her father who lives in Germany. She is unaware of the fact that Celal knows her secret.
На краю рая
Property Master
Германия и Турция. Рассказ о судьбах шести человек, находящихся в поисках прощения и примирения. Пенсионер и вдовец Али спасается от одиночества в гамбургских борделях, пока именно там он не встречает Йетар. За те же деньги, что она зарабатывает в борделе, он приглашает её жить с ним. Неджат, образованный сын Али, преподающий германистику в гамбургском университете очень удивлён странным выбором своего упрямого отца. Только когда он узнаёт, что Йетар посылает большую часть денег своей дочери Айтан в Стамбул, чтобы профинансировать её учёбу, он начинает уважать её. Когда Йетар трагически погибает, Неджат отправляется на поиски Айтан. Но будучи политической активисткой, та уже давно сбежала из Турции и нашла приют у Лотты и её матери Сюзанны в Германии… Понадобится не одно путешествие, чтобы герои нашли друг друга… хоть и неожиданным образом.