Wei Heling

Wei Heling

Рождение : 1907-01-13, Tianjin, China

Смерть : 1979-10-02


Wei Heling


The Knife-Thrower
Дочь колдуньи
Yihan Bo
Фильм отражает период перемен старого и нового общества, затрагивая тему этнических противоречий, и рассказывает о первом поколении женщин-врачей национальности дай в новом социалистическом Китае. В центре повествования — история молодой девушки из народности дай, которая вопреки сплетням и обвинениям в колдовстве, становится успешным врачом и находит счастье в личной жизни.
Повесть о реке Хуанпу
Xingen Chang
О судьбе китайского рабочего, связавшего свою жизнь с революционной борьбой, о его семье, многие годы отдавшей родному заводу, о победе народной власти в стране.
The Legend of Lu-Ban
Lu Ban, the father of carpentry of China, lived in the Warring States Period more than two thousand years ago. During his travel through the land, he has solved many architectural problems and befriends a young builder. Under the guidance of Lu, the young man slowly turns from an arrogant and imprudent builder into a responsible craftsman able to take on a daunting task assigned by the king.
Eldest Master Gao
Этот фильм, основанный на знаменитом одноименном романе известного автора Бао Цзиня, прослеживает упадок большой, богатой семьи в начале двадцатого века. История рассказывает о трех братьях и о том, как они реагируют на тот факт, что каждый из них женится на девушках, которых им подобрал их дед. Соблазн семейных денег, с одной стороны, и современный индивидуализм — с другой, у молодых мужчин по-разному. Критики считают этот фильм обвинительным актом против феодальных идей.
Моление о счастье
Laoliu He
Жадная свекровь овдовевшей Сян Линь насильно выдала её за Лао Лю. По древним обычаям вторичное замужество — тяжкий грех, и Сян суждено понести суровое наказание. Но не злой рок и не случайное стечение обстоятельств превращают Сян Линь в жалкую, забытую всеми старуху. Вековечная крестьянская нужда, рабское положение, невежество — весь дореволюционный уклад жизни отнимает у неё не только счастье, но даже право на то, чтобы вымаливать себе это счастье у неба…
Can't Follow Along That Path
Set in the period of land reform movement, a poor peasant Zhang gets a fertile land. But he doesn't work seriously on it, then loses money and runs into debt. Song wants to buy Zhang's land but his son thinks that they should help Zhang.
The Might of the People
Before the liberation of Shanghai, Nationalist agent Zhang Rong is ordered to blend in with the captive workers of the Baotong Mill and wait for a chance to act. After the liberation, he returns to the factory, disguising himself as a far-left agitator and causing friction between the workers and management.
Life of a Beijing Policeman
Fifty years of modern Chinese history (1900-1950), including wars, revolutions and corrupt politics, as seen through the life and times of a simple Beijing policeman and his family.
Crows and Sparrows
Mr. Kong
At a Shanghai apartment, Mr Hou, a Nationalist official, gets ready to move to Taiwan upon the imminent defeat of the KMT during the Civil War. Mrs Hou gives an ultimatum to the rest of the tenants to move out on behalf of her husband, who is the "owner" of the flat and who is now planning to sell it. From the conversations with the rest, we find out that Hou has been a Hanjian during the Sino-Japanese War and that he has since taken over the apartment by force from the old landlord, Mr Kong. The tenants, including Mr Kong, Mrs Xiao, Little Broadcast (alias Mr Xiao, played by Zhao Dan) and a schoolteacher, Mr Hua, and his wife, initially plan to band together, but circumstances force them to find other ways out. Mr Hua tries to find a place to stay at the KMT-sponsored school he is teaching in. Little Broadcast and Mrs Xiao invest in black market gold. As the situation escalates, Mr Hua gets arrested by KMT agents and his young daughter falls desperately ill.
Sable Cicada
Diaochan (aka Diau Charn and Sable Cicada), one of the Four Beauties of China, is supposed to be so stunningly lovely that the moon was shamed to hide behind clouds. Despite being the only Beauty among the four who is not a real historical figure but one conjured by storytelling imagination and embellished by public fascination, her story was nonetheless incorporated by author Luo Guangzhong into his popular and influential novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Her tale is one of Machiavellian intrigue, in which she schemes with her godfather Wang Yun to restore moral order to the land, sowing discord between the corrupt Minister Dong Zhuo and his adopted son Lu Bu, a man of martial and military prowess.
Defend Our Land
Street Angel
Lao Wang (Newspaper Seller)
In old Shanghai, two sisters, a prostitute and a singer, try to escape from the local scoundrels with the help of a trumpet player and a newspaper seller.