Michael Oosterom

Michael Oosterom


Michael Oosterom


The Muppets Take The O2
Additional Muppet Performer (voice)
The Muppets Take the O2 is a live stage show starring the Muppets performed at the O2 Arena in London in July 2018. The show is a follow-up to 2017's performance at the Hollywood Bowl, reprising many of the same acts.
Janeane from Des Moines
Fred Wilson
A conservative Iowa housewife's personal and political convictions are severely tested as she seeks answers from the Republican presidential candidates leading up to the 2012 Iowa Caucuses.
Additional Muppet Performer (voice)
Сюжет объединяет потрепанных кукол для финального шоу, которое призвано спасти киностудию от разорения.
В пролёте
Бедный музыкант Питер Бреттел 5 лет обожал свою девушку, красавицу-телезвезду Сару Маршалл. Когда она променяла его на британского рок-музыканта, мир Питера начал рушиться, и он решил развеяться и махнуть на Гавайи. В райском уголке сбывается худший кошмар Питера: его бывшая со своим новым парнем отдыхает в соседнем номере!
Conceiving Ada
Lord Byron
Emmy Coer, a computer genius, devises a method of communicating with the past by tapping into undying information waves. She manages to reach the world of Ada Lovelace, founder of the idea of a computer language and proponent of the possibilities of the "difference engine." Ada's ideas were stifled and unfulfilled because of the reality of life as a woman in the nineteenth century. Emmy has a plan to defeat death and the past using her own DNA as a communicative agent to the past, bringing Ada to the present. But what are the possible ramifications?