Rēzija Kalniņa

Rēzija Kalniņa

Рождение : 1970-12-23,


Rēzija Kalniņa


Метель душ
Шестнадцатилетний Артурс вступает в ряды стрелков и вместе с друзьями сражается за свободу — даже тогда, когда никто не знает, на какой стороне её искать.
A love circle between a dishonest government employee, a freelance actress, a passionate dancer, and godmother of a local mafia cartel. It could be serious if it wouldn’t be so funny.
Mellow Mud
Siblings Roby and Raya after the death of their father and being abandoned by their mother, are forced to live with their dominating grandmother in a small country house owned by their family. Things change after the sudden death of their grandmother. The teenagers have to face a tough choice: either to report the accident and submit themselves to a life in an orphanage or hide the dead body and live as if nothing has happened.
I Shall Return as a Flaming Rose
Lonely, 45 year-old worker Kasandra has just received a lethal diagnosis from her doctor. She goes to her high school reunion, confused, and is faced with phantasmagorical events that completely shatter her daily routine. Kasandra flees from the city. In the forest, she is engulfed by a river and brought to a secluded sea shore. Alone and over time Kasandra experiences an unusual healing and rebirth.
A true story of a 17 going on 18 year-old boy called Modris. He’s a guy who goes to school, has a girlfriend and some good friends. He has a small gambling addiction, which makes his relationship with his mother difficult. It’s also hard because the two of them live alone and the mother doesn’t miss a chance to remind him that his father is in prison and that Modris has a bad gene. Their relationship boils over when, in the middle of a Nordic winter, Modris pawns his mother’s electric heater in trying to squeeze a win from a slot machine. She betrays him to the police and Modris is sentenced to two years’ probation. That is when his adventures with the Latvian justice system begin and he sets a new goal: to find the father he has never met.
Golfstrim pod Aysbergom
Киноальманах состоит из 3-х новелл, объединенных мифом о Лилит, первой жене Адама, упоминаемой в древних преданиях Востока, в Талмуде, каббалистике Средневековья. Автор задумал фильм как эротическую притчу о вековечном противостоянии Человека и Матери-природы, ненасытной в своей жажде рождать и уничтожать. По легендам, Лилит была создана, как и Адам, из глины. В ссоре она покинула его, поэтому не запятнана первородным грехом и избежала проклятия. У нее нет души, она бессмертна. Она принимает любой облик, овладевает мужчинами против их воли и покидает, когда захочет, обрекая их на тоску и погибель. Что бы она ни делала, это не является ни Добром, ни Злом. Она — другого естества…
Rudolf's Gold
The dawn of the XX century promised Latvians a prosperous and happy future. The nation’s self-esteem had awakened, and farmers were increasingly able to rise above even the estate stewards. Rudups, old soldier of the Kaiser and, with his wealth and pride, a thorn in the Baron’s side, becomes truly uncontrollable when he’s hit by Cupid’s arrow. The old boy is willing to do anything for simple maid Emily. But the girl loves his godson Karlis. It’s all a mix of riches, of cheating, and the Baron’s lawlessness. The fight of two relatives for Emily’s heart changes the fate of both men and the maid, so she can see sunshine through the tears.
Don't Talk About It
Beatrise is drifting in life. She has based her existence on unsuccessful relationships that have collapsed, like sand castles, one after the other. Forced to re-evaluate things, she realizes that she can only achieve harmony by learning to rely on herself, and not on illusory feelings or words.
Bitter Wine
Donats is a modern-day Don Juan juggling the various women in his life seemingly without any consequences, until he falls in love with Agnese. Her husband, Ralfs, turns out to be a formidable opponent.
Maximum Headroom
Members of a class of the 1980s hold an annual gathering. All together spend one night remembering the passions and hopes of youth and realising what has been achieved or missed.
Never, Never, Ever!
John is arrested on his 40th birthday, just on the day when he has realized that everything he has been doing before has increased the absurdity and senselessness of this world.
Good Hands
The Estonians and Latvians join hands in this jointly produced Baltic comedy about love and theft centering on light-fingered Margita. Everything and anything that hasn't been nailed to the spot winds up in her possession - whether it's a wallet belonging to a passer-by or a Jeep. But the police are on to her and the streets of Riga are becoming just a little too dangerous for Margita these days (played by rising Latvian star Rezija Kalniņa). She decides to break camp and hitchhike her way up north coming to rest at a little place called Vineeri in Estonia, where she soon finds herself looking after an entire household, including three men and a small boy.
The Nest
A young couple of biologists and their two children move from Riga to a nature reserve where they're provided with an old country cottage. They start to repair the cottage and feel at home, but the former owner of the house suddenly returns from Canada. When he realises that the present inhabitants have kept the spirit of the place alive, he gives up his rights to the cottage. The film then concentrates on him coming to terms with his memories of his time as a guerilla, when he found his first love, his 'sister-in-arms', who betrayed him fifty years ago. The film also investigates the relationship between the young biologists and nature, and the process of reaching adulthood. The title of the film, The Nest, stands for the surroundings of living nature (the forest, the marshes, the coast) and more generally for the small fatherland that has to maintain its position among great powers such as Russia, Germany and America: countries that largely shape the fate of the characters.
Baltic German Alice Fon Trota returns to her father’s manor in Latvia in 1919 to sell it and start new life. She meets hostile resistance of local workers and discovers she has been lured into a carefully tailored trap, organized by demonic lawyer Emil Keizerling, decadent underground organization “Viva La Mort” and its necrophile leader Zība Falstaff. They plan to manipulate with Alice, who has received good education in France but also had suffered severe physical traumas. Knowing that her deepest desire is to carry out her unexpressed creative talents, they want to use her potential for their demoniacal purposes that regard the future of Latvia. While escaping the clutches of her “helpers”, she meets Latvian silent cinema enthusiasts. While being with them and working with cinematograph, she learns to use it as a self-discovery tool, as a weapon of confrontation of her enemies and as a way to transform her healing wounds by creating masterpiece of silent cinema.