Elena Gil Nagel


The Tunnel
Script Supervisor
The thirteen survivors of a catastrophe by a tunnel's collapse tries to balance their experience trapped along 15 days inside it with their day-by-day outside it.
Script Supervisor
Микел Лехарза, псевдоним «Лобо», был агентом испанских спецслужб, которому удалось проникнуть в ЭТА между 1973 и 1975 годами. Он привел к гибели около 150 активистов и сотрудников, в том числе самых видных членов специальных команд и высших чиновников. руководство. «Операция Лобо» была ударом по террористической организации в то время, когда ее кровавые атаки становились идеальным поводом для наиболее инволюционных секторов режима Франко пытаться заблокировать установление демократии.
Lucky Star
Script Supervisor
Marina, a woman with a glass eye, has the bad luck to be the victim of an assault witnessed by Rafael, a goodhearted butcher, who rescues her from her attacker, a man named Daniel. Rafael has physical problems of his own, but the two stay together as a couple. A baby not Rafael's, for he lost his testicles in an accident is born. Rafael looks forward to raising the child as his own if Marina will consent.
Running Out of Time
Production Secretary
Days before committing an attack, Antonio, a gunman of the terrorist gang ETA who has dedicated his life to a cause he no longer believes in, meets Charo, a young drug addict who, despite the sordid environment in which she lives, still retains her innocence.
Script Supervisor
Count Nado, is in love with Fénix, an intergalactic singer. Unable to achieve it with traditional methods, the evil Nado kidnaps the scientist Avelina to make a replica of the singer, creating Supernova.
The Sow
Script Supervisor
After spending three years in captivity in Tunis, Bartolomé returns home Extremadura with the only hope to eat his favorite dish: the pork. Along the way he meets a deserter who is traveling with a sow.
El sueño de Tánger
Script Supervisor
El sueño de Tánger
Assistant Director
Белая голубка
Script Supervisor
Волк-одиночка, борец за свободу басков колесит по Испании, чтобы найти убийц своего брата. С гитарой за спиной и «пушкой» за поясом, он идет по пятам своих заклятых врагов. Его сердце не знало ни жалости, ни любви, пока он не встретил прекрасную Росио - танцовщицу из таверны «Белая голубка». Любовь всех делает уязвимыми. Жажда свободы, пламя страсти и ледяное дыхание смерти - переплелись в бешеном ритме фламенко.
Manuel y Clemente
Assistant Director
Manuel and Clemente, couple in the shower and in various scheming, try to do business with miraculous apparitions. Near the Sevillian town of El Palmar de Troya, in 1968, people begin to say that the Virgin appears and the two friends take advantage of the situation. Soon a network of economic interests and credulity is created that makes it easier for Manuel and Clemente to achieve their goal: a monumental basilica, a religious order of nuns, priests and bishops of their own, and even a pope, Gregory XVII. Satire on the curious origin of the Palmarian Catholic Church and its unique founders.