Dolores Tamburini

Рождение : 1911-12-16,

Смерть : 1977-01-01


Dolores Tamburini began heractivity in 1939 for Scalera Film and in a thirty-year career he edited sixty films, generally comedies, but also dramas, musicals, and even Italian westerns. He worked in the SAFA-Palatino studios and, from 1949, when he resumed activity after the war, one of his editing assistants was Ruggero Mastroianni in his debut. Among the directors with whom he collaborated were Giorgio Simonelli (for twelve films), Pietro Germi, Alessandro Blasetti, Domenico Paolella and many others. Together with Gisa Radicchi Levi, Jolanda Benvenuti and Adriana Novelli she was one of the first female editing technicians in Italy. She retired in 1970.


Первая ночь доктора Даниэли, промышленника с комплексом... инфантильности
Несмотря на протесты матери Вирджиния выходит замуж за своего возлюбленного, молодого бизнесмена Карло Даниэли. Но после свадьбы выясняется, что материнские подозрения относительно мужских способностей жениха были не лишены оснований. Современная женщина считала, что ее дочери не следовало идти под венец девственницей, ни разу не испытав будущего мужа в деле. И вот теперь обнаружилось, что Карло не в состоянии преодолеть свою робость и овладеть законной женой. Матушка немедленно предлагает своей драгоценной дочери начать процедуру развода. Но Вирджиния решает бороться. Вместе с Карло она отправляется на его родину, на Сицилию, рассчитывая, что в знакомой обстановке ее супруг обретет мужскую силу и отвагу. Спустя короткое время туда же отправляется и ее мать…
Principe coronato cercasi per ricca ereditiera
A prince who has become poor accepts a marriage to the daughter of an American tycoon. The girl is only interested in his title and plans a divorce, but after a while she also grows fond of him.
Un caso di coscienza
Discovering that a woman from their small town in Sicily cheated on her husband, a group of upper class men investigate and try to identify her.
Gli amori di Angelica
Последний стрелок
Джим Харт, отставной стрелок, он поклялся больше не убивать. Но сдержит ли он своё обещание, если его невеста и весь город в опасности...?
Beauties on Motor Scooters
I tre nemici
A meek clerk is hunted by the counterespionage because he has a secret formula tattooed on his bottom.
Gerarchi si muore
Now in bankruptcy, the industrialist Merletti seeks the help of Mr. Frioppi, a rich ex-fascist with a real mania for ancient castles.
I magnifici tre
Pablo, Domingo and Jose, three idiots, gunmen exchanged for large liberate a village in the republic of "Nonduras" from the oppression of dictator Bonarios. Parody of The Magnificent Seven, five writers got together for an anemic script that exploits a repertoire mixture with the song "A man alive"by Gino Paoli.
Black City
A charming rogue, the self-proclaimed leader of Naples, locks horns with an American Army general and a police inspector.
I soliti rapinatori a Milano
Rocco e le sorelle
A Sicilian leaves for Milan, in search of fortune, with the four sisters he supervises fiercely.
Robin Hood and the Pirates
On his way to (or from) the Crusades, Robin Hood is shipwrecked but saved by pirates who plan to return him home in order to ransom him to his father.
He Who Hesitates Is Lost
After their boss' death, two clerks eagerly await the arrival of the next one, each one of them hoping to become the apple of his eye. They compete in every possible way to impress him, which causes lots of trouble and many misunderstandings.
Le Olimpiadi dei mariti
Un dollaro di fifa
Two conmen, Alamo and Mike, find shelter in Paradise City, which is full of jokers like themselves, who assume them to be lawmen and are almost hanged.
I baccanali di Tiberio
Cassio, a tourist guide, and Primo, his bus driver, are taking a bus load of tourists to visit villa Jovis, at Capri island. Then they have an accident, and they knock their heads hard, losing conscience. They come awake in the times of the Roman Empire in Tiberius' villa.
Cavalcata selvaggia
The Great Deception
Burgundy 1728. Old count Antoine d'Eon is overjoyed. His daughter-in-law has finally given birth to a boy and he will at long last be able to transmit his inheritance to his son Pascal. At least this is what he thinks, for Pascal has concealed from his father the fact that his son was ... a daughter, his eighth daughter! Well, enough is enough and Geneviève has no other choice but become a boy first, then a soldier and even the special envoy of Louis XV, King of France, to Catherine II, the Czarina of Russia.
The Black Archer
A mysterious archer who dresses in black is out for revenge against the bandits who killed his father.
Noi siamo due evasi
Two inmates escape prison changing clothes with a couple of businessmen. They'll be taken by the financiers and find themselves surrounded by wealth and beautiful women.
Fantasmi e ladri
Tina, an old lady and detective stories buff, moves to town in the house of a god-daughter of hers whose husband is a private dick. She thinks she will be able to help him with his inquests. He does not agree with her and tries to discourage her by any possible means.
Marinai, donne e guai
Four sailors are off duty in Barcelona. Capo Campana ordered them to remain together when in the city. But Mario, one of them, falls for Manuela and leaves the other three.
Бесхарактерный мужчина
Пока жена с ребенком была в отъезде, Андреа познакомился с девушкой Ритой, которая беззаветно полюбила его. Но перед возвращением жены Андреа начинает избегать встреч с Ритой, что приводит девушку в отчаяние.
The Guilty
Глава семейства — сильный и грубоватый человек, всю жизнь работавший от зари до зари, вырастивший детей и несущий материальное бремя семьи. Вместе с тем он грубо насаждает своё понимание жизни, чем отталкивает близких людей, разрушает семейное гнездо и сам от этого страдает.
Rosso e nero
Gran varietà
A musical comedy divided into five segments: Mariantonia, Cuttica, Il Fine Dicitore, Fregoli and Il Censore.
Mid-Century Loves
Anthology of tragic love. A noblewoman falls for a commoner. A doctor keeps quiet about his patients' infidelities. Expectant father is sent to fight in WWI. A 1920s fascist enjoys Rome's nightlife. WWII airman falls for a girl in Naples.
Ridere! Ridere! Ridere!
A series of comical sketches featuring a doctor, a travelling salesman and some posh gents.
Dappled Mare
Ruggero Pascoli, the father of poet Giovanni Pascoli, is killed by a corrupt officer. His body is brought back home by a mare that will, several years later, reveal the one responsible for the murder.
Cavalcade of Song
100 Little Mothers
The Outlaws
Turi, having returned to Sicily from abroad, learns that his sister Maruzza is the lover of Cosimo Barrese, a militant of the Movement for the Independence of Sicily, who, abandoned by everyone, has become a bandit. The two would like to get married, but life as an outlaw seems an insurmountable obstacle. Turi asks for revenge on the bandit who has dishonored the family and uses a shady and devious lawyer to drive him into a trap.
Document  Z-3
Document Z-3 (Italian:Documento Z-3) is a 1942 Italian spy film directed by Alfredo Guarini and starring Isa Miranda, Claudio Gora and Luis Hurtado. It was one of three Miranda films directed by Guarini that helped re-establish her in Italian cinema following her return from a largely unsuccessful spell in Hollywood. Many critics were not impressed with the film, feeling that Miranda had not recovered the spontaneity of her pre-Hollywood films. This is considered the first movie in which Federico Fellini has worked as a screenwriter.
The Gorgon
1017 AD. The Republic of Pisa is organizing a fleet to drive out the Saracens who are infesting the Mediterranean. While the forces are away "The Gorgon," the young daughter of a Pisan nobleman who has been heroically killed, comes to be solemnly invested as the figurehead virgin who will maintain a lantern to celebrate the men's victorious return. In charge of the home guard is an ambitious young Florentine who feels deprived of the forthcoming honour and glory, and who seeks revenge by violating the sacred person of the virgin. He gains access to her well guarded quarters, but when the Gorgon falls helplessly in love with him, his desire for vengeance falls away. His plot exposed, he commits suicide rather than invoke the wrath of the Pisans. The Gorgon too takes her life by throwing herself from a high tower. Meanwhile, the victorious Pisan vessels return.
È caduta una donna
In Milan, an unwed mother, forced to flee from her town because of the scandal, meets a doctor who falls in love with her and marries her. But the couple's relationship breaks down almost immediately: the husband is unable to leave behind the woman's past and can not stand a son not his. So Dina, in an attempt to readjust the rapport, entrusts the child to the care of the mother of her seducer (meanwhile deceased). But the sacrifice is beyond her strength, and she's soon taken by the irresistible desire to get her child back: in damp and foggy night, on her way to the station...
Король забавляется
Основанный на пьесе Виктора Гюго и озвученный музыкой из более поздней оперы Джузеппе Верди, фильм рассказывает о горбатом клоуне, чья прекрасная дочь влюбляется в распутного короля.
Il bazar delle idee
Annna, a rich lady, decides to finance in great secrecy a singular enterprise: the founding of a real center for the creation of ideas, directed by Mario Morelli, a poet and songwriter perpetually waiting for great success, and a painter, Enrico Bovio, who cannot find the inspiration or the model for a portrait of a woman he wants to finish. Both are short of money and, convinced of the brilliance of their ideas, wish to open that bizarre business, called precisely the "Bazaar of Ideas".
Il socio invisibile
Divieto di sosta
A wealthy widow becomes infatuated with an adventurer posing as a poet and, forgetting her responsibilities as a mother and her no longer young age, falls prey to a love frenzy in her family that puts her at odds with her daughter, who has just left boarding school, and her own brother, who is all about scientific research. The girl, who has learned of the alleged poet's less-than-honest intentions, tries every means to drive him away and restore her mother's sentimental balance. For this she pretends to be in love with him who, attracted by her youth and rich dowry, proposes that she elope.