Phillip Troy Linger


Голодные игры: Сойка-пересмешница. Часть 2
Katniss's Father
Китнисс Эвердин и своенравный Пит Мелларк пытаются выиграть гражданскую войну между самодержавным Капитолием и истерзанными войной районами Панема…
Артур Ньюман
Fuller Wells
Пожалуй, в жизни многих людей бывают моменты, когда хочется полностью перечеркнуть свое прошлое и настоящее и начать жизнь с чистого листа. В большинстве своем эти мечты так и остаются мечтами, но вот главный герой фильма Уоллес решился на кардинальные изменения.
Голодные игры
Katniss' Father
Будущее. Деспотичное государство ежегодно устраивает показательные игры на выживание, за которыми в прямом эфире следит весь мир. Жребий участвовать в Играх выпадает юной Китнисс и тайно влюбленному в нее Питу. Они знакомы с детства, но теперь должны стать врагами. Ведь по нерушимому закону Голодных игр победить может только один из 24 участников. Судьям не важно кто выиграет, главное — зрелище. И на этот раз зрелище будет незабываемым.
The Jailhouse
Sheriff Hooper
Small town, the American dream. A blue-collar family living the idyllic rural lifestyle. Nothing is out of place save for the lacking white picket fence - and the old JAIL that occupies the 2nd floor of their century-old home. Seth Delray knew the possibilities before he moved his wife and two kids into the old jailhouse, but the Sheriff assured him that it would take an act of God to put that place back into service. Times were tight, and it was just too good of a deal to refuse. That is, until the county jail caught fire. The Sheriff's hands were tied and he had to put displaced inmates anywhere he could find iron bars with a locking door. The Delray house was his only option. For Seth the worst wasn't the criminals locked like animals in the soiled cages above his living room. It was the mortal fear in his children's eyes, it was the piercing cold looks from his wife. It was that deep..
Mustang Sally's Horror House
Sheriff Lloyd Stevens
Looking for a little fun before resuming another grueling semester at college, six buddies visit Mustang Sally's whorehouse, where they expect the madam to introduce them to the girls of their dreams. As it turns out, however, the madam has more on her mind than passion, and the lads soon find themselves lured into a trap from which they may never escape in this campy horror treat starring Elizabeth Daily, Lindsey Labrum and Mark Parrish.
Silent Predators
Dr. Matthew Watkins
In 1979, a delivery truck makes its way up a lonely southern California highway in a storm, bound for the San Diego Zoo with a deadly tropical rattlesnake as cargo. When the truck suffers a blowout, the driver loses control and hits a tree, shattering the snake's aquarium in the back and the window separating the snake from the driver. The snake slithers into the front of the truck, kills the driver with its bite and then moves off into the forest. Flash forward to 1999. The small southern California town of San Vicente has grown from 6,000 to 30,000, and the rattler, which escaped nearby years ago, has bred. There are now 25,000 of these hybrid rattlesnakes, and they are slowly making their way downhill into the town, attracted by the movement of the blasting as the town paves its way toward progress. Progress, in this case, brings terror, in this tale originally penned by John Carpenter.
Charley Reed
A married couple of cat burglars scheme to rob a set of stolen diamonds from the local mafia only to be hampered by persistent police detectives, another scam artist, and a rival mob group.
Знак Дракона
Mental Patient
Однажды ночью в спальню к благополучной семье врываются вооруженные люди. Жестоко расправившись с матерью и отцом, они похищают маленькую дочь. Испуганному ребенку выжигают на теле таинственное клеймо — Знак Дракона, которым в древности на Востоке метили рабынь-наложниц.
Karate Tiger 7 - To be the best
Sam Kulhane
A member of the U.S. kickboxing team recruits his father and his fellow teammates to help stop a ruthless gambler from rigging the World Kickboxing Championship in Las Vegas.