Richard Gross

Richard Gross

Рождение : 1948-01-01, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA


Richard was born in Pittsburgh, PA . His mother was a Welsh immigrant and his adoptive father was a native of Pittsburgh. Richard moved to Los Angeles with his family in the 60's and he graduated from Lennox High School. Richard went on to earn his BA in Theatre Arts from Cal State Dominguez Hills. He moved his family to Grass Valley, CA in 1979 and was active with the Foothill Theatre Company, a regional theatre in Nevada City. Richard came back to Los Angeles in 1991 to resume his TV/Film career. He still maintains his Northern California residence with his wife, Judy and their daughter Alexis. Richard and Judy have two other sons, Matthew and Justin.Richard is an 8 handicap golfer and club champion in 2011. He played softball and golf in the world senior games and won a Gold medal.He did over 70 skits on The Tonight with Jay Leno.


Richard Gross
Richard Gross
Richard Gross


Guitar Man
Warden Garrin Bronte
A 'failed' musician tries to save the souls of at-risk youth and San Quentin prisoners and along the way discovers the true gift of his music...and the deeper meaning of freedom.
Under the thick gray fog and rain clouds of a San Francisco winter, Jenny's wedding approaches. She adores her fiancé, but is on edge about something she can't quite put her finger on. Then she finds an old photograph of her grandmother in her wedding dress, and everything seems to fall into place. She knows she must get married in that dress. Jenny's fears and doubt ignite into an obsessive journey to her estranged aunt's home at the Salton Sea, an environmentally devastated and long forgotten vacation spot, in search of the dress. In the blazing arid heat of this decimated landscape, and amid piles and piles of three generations of her family's hoarding, Jenny searches; looking for the dress, looking for her family's past, and looking for herself. In the brightness of the desert there is nowhere to hide and Jenny is forced to make some of the hardest decisions of her life so that she can realize her future.
Человек – швейцарский нож
Hank's Dad
Отчаявшийся главный герой в одиночестве блуждает в лесах, где натыкается на мертвое тело и заводит с ним дружбу. Вдвоем они отправляются в сюрреалистическое путешествие домой.
Alcatraz Prison Escape: Deathbed Confession
Ranger Phil
The true story, based on a Deathbed Confession, about what really happened to Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers who escaped from Alcatraz Prison in 1962. They made it- but what happened next is shocking. Investigated by the US Marshals.
Покорители волн
Brenda's Father
Серфинг — спорт королей. Не каждый сможет справиться с огромными волнами у побережья Калифорнии. Их называют Мавериксами, они достигают 25 метров в высоту. Хессон не раз покорял стихию, но не раскрыл своего секрета никому. Он дал обещание любимой женщине — больше не рисковать жизнью. Но смелость юного Джей подкупила Хессона. Смогут ли они, глядя смерти в лицо, удержаться на гребне волны?
The Awakened
On the outskirts of a small mountain town, retired farmer Hank Taylor decides to pull down an old dead tree that sits on the edge of his property. Hank soon discovers something strange buried in the ground beneath...something large, metallic and not of this earth. Dormant for over 200 years, the object’s power returns, resurrecting the hibernating occupants from a long slumber and turning the Taylor farm into an arena of heart-pounding terror. As the inhabitants of the farm take refuge in the secluded farm house, a group of mysterious covert government agents callously monitors the situation. Why have the Aliens traveled to Earth? Are the Government Agents hiding something?
Харви Милк
Riot Cop
Лента о первом в Америке политике по имени Харви Милк, открыто признавшемся в своих гомосексуальных наклонностях. Он был избран в городское правление и выступал за принятие законопроекта о правах геев и лесбиянок.
Шоковый эффект
Lt. Randall
Фильм основан на реальных событиях. В 1976 году небольшая американская винодельня произвела фурор на конкурсе вин во Франции. Их вино в конкурсе, на котором дегустация происходила вслепую, победило, сделав Калифорнию известным мировым поставщиком вин.
Убить за 75 секунд
Несколько зверски изувеченных трупов было обнаружено полицией в одном из домов пригорода. Громкое дело поручили вести лучшему следователю штата, Джону Критону. Но даже такому матерому полицейскому оно оказалось не под силу. Прочесав весь район, Критон не нашел ни свидетелей этой жуткой резни, ни следов убийцы. За неимением улик, дело пришлось закрыть… Через десять лет похожие убийства произошли в другом штате. Решив, что эти преступления как-то связаны, Джон Критон возобновляет расследование. И на этот раз поиски приводят его к одному из свидетелей кровавой ночи десятилетней давности…
The Tripper
A Ronald Reagan-obsessed serial killer targets a bunch of hippies who are heading to a weekend-long concert.
The Californians
When real estate mogul Gavin Ransom announces his plan to cover California's northern coast with scores of mini-mansions, his environmentalist sister, Olive, launches a protest to stop him. But there's trouble ahead when Gavin begins falling for the pretty folk singer who's helping Olive's cause.
Gone but Not Forgotten
Judge Neff
An Oregon woman vanishes. In her wake remains a single black rose & a note reading gone but not forgotten. Now a man stands accused: a private eye has gone missing: a detective knows more than she lets on: & a tough female attorney has entered a web of duplicity revenge & multiple murder.
Straight From the Heart
Emile Costa
Jordan Donavan, a photographer in New York, is so disappointed when after five years of going steady Edward Morgan offers her not marriage but just to move in with him, that she accepts the match-making arranged via a magazine by her female friend with Tyler Ross, a horse rancher in the West, whose candidacy was actually also posted by his sister. After a bad start they soon grow closer.
Sergeant Tony Barnes
A fire chief (Gunn) is investigating the cause of a string of blazes that threaten to destroy her small town, while at the same time dealing with her teen daughter's rebelliousness.
На самом дне
Deputy Sheriff
Она узнала, что ее сын — гей. Она нашла его любовника мертвым. Она единственная, кто это знает, и не хочет, чтобы это кто-нибудь знал. Однако приходит неизвестный и требует крупную сумму наличными за видеокассету с доказательствами. Она думает, что быстро найдет деньги и спасет сына, но что произойдет в следующую минуту, не знает никто…
Another Woman's Husband
Second Colleague
When Laurel signs up for swimming lessons, she becomes best friends with her teacher Susan - until they realize Laurel’s boyfriend and Susan’s husband are the same man.
Dumbarton Bridge
Salt Company Foreman
The hypnotic, watery landscapes of the San Francisco Bay Area's salt ponds set the magical tone of the film. This festival favorite, critically acclaimed drama tells the story of rebirth - as a father and daughter rediscover each other. Like few other American movies, the film uniquely approaches multi-racial conflicts.Shed, a Vietnam vet working the salt ponds of the south bay area and fighting demons of the past, is visited by the daughter he left behind in Vietnam 17 years before when the American troops retreated.Minh is an outcast in her own homeland and has come to America to find her father. She ignites dormant emotional fires and the two of them begin a parallel search for ethnic identity and personal belonging.The powerful performances are set to a classic jazz and 50s/60s R&B soundtrack, with stunning visuals of the moody waterscapes at the margins of Silicon Valley.
The Second Civil War
Militia Leader
When a planeload of Pakistani orphans are shipped to his state for permanent relocation, the governor of Idaho defies the president and closes the state's border. News Net Television, a cable news program that makes hay by reporting on political scandals, quickly spins the racist act into an overnight media sensation, creating a divide in national opinion over the issue.
Безумный город
FBI Agent
Обладатель награды Академии кино Коста Гаврас – режиссер этой взрывной драмы, исследующей влияние телевизионных новостей на современное общество. Дастин Хоффман и Джон Траволта играют «репортера» и «историю», оказавшихся в вышедшей из-под контроля череде событий.
Роковая восьмерка
Джон сидел у входа в трактир и мечтал о чашечке кофе: сегодня он лишился всех своих денег. Проходивший мимо щедрый господин по имени Сидней угостил бедолагу завтраком, а входе беседы поведал, как можно заработать большие деньги, играя в казино. Под его чутким руководством Джон превратился в первоклассного игрока, и вместе сладкая парочка стала собирать "золотой урожай" по всей стране. Все шло хорошо до тех пор, пока Джон не влюбился в официантку по имени Клементина...
George B.
Loan Officer
After winning money gambling in Reno, George enjoys a streak of luck that brings him happiness and success. He dates a beautiful woman and works with a friend in business and then his luck changes while comedy ensues.
When Time Expires
A seemingly simple time calibration exercise turns sour for Travis Beck when he discovers that his ex-partner and an unknown team of assassins are also in town with the sole aim of stopping him complete his mission
Vows of Deception
Ed Starling
When a prominent lawyer is found murdered, his wife is promptly arrested and charged with the crime. She swiftly accuses her stepson, with whom she claims to be having an affair. This sheds enough reasonable doubt to get her case dismissed on grounds of a mistrial, but three years later, prosecutors arrest and charge her again. Will she be so lucky on her second go?
Дети кукурузы 4: Сбор урожая
Sheriff Biggs
Продолжение истории о злобных детках, убивших своих родителей и провозгласивших страшный культ кукурузы, которой они принесли их в жертву. Но кукуруза ненасытна — она требует все новых и новых жертв, поэтому страсти продолжают накаляться.
Customer at Malley's
Автомеханик Джордж Мэлли безнадежно влюблен в очаровательную женщину, которая недавно переехала в его городок. Она не хочет завязывать новых отношений, и незадачливому поклоннику может помочь только чудо. И оно происходит… В день его рождения какая — то таинственная сила наделяет Джорджа уникальными умственными способностями и даром телекинеза. Возможно, теперь неприступная красавица наконец обратит на него внимание…
Гранд Авеню
В каждом городе, на каждой улице ежедневно происходят самые разные происшествия. Какие-то из них обыденные, какие-то необычные, а какие-то люди пытаются скрыть от посторонних глаз. Но не всем это удается.
When Martin Niconi goes across country to get away from a sorry family and associates problems, he finds a secluded area high in the Sierra Mountains area of California to begin life over as a logger. He meets Anna Hennessey and her son Jeff and the romance begins. Anna's brother Max is a logger whose crew includes Martin and he is determined to keep them apart.
Stolen Innocence
Stacy, a rebellious teenager, leaves home for the freedom and adventure of life on the road away from her parents. Afraid and alone, she is befriended by Richard, a handsome ex-con traveling across the country on a crime spree. Her short lived joy soon turns to terror.
Deadly Whispers
Attorney Clarence Brandon
Tom Acton: a strict but loving father whose only wish is for a safe, kind world for his family. His main worry: his l9·year old daughter, Kathy, a pretty and flirtatious girl who thinks nothing of having an affair with a married man. Even worse, she suspects that an old boyfriend is stalking her. Then one day, Kathy goes missing. Tom and his wife, Carol, are convinced that Kathy has been abducted and are devastated when the police find a body, shot to death and horribly mutilated. The Actons refuse to believe it could be Kathy, but as the police detective assigned to the case begins to dig deeper, he confronts Carol with a terrible possibility, that the truth behind the killing could lie very close to home.
Tainted Blood
Commander Drew
After a 17-year-old shoots his parents dead and then turns the gun on himself, an investigative reporter makes a disturbing discovery. The adopted boy was born to a mother who, as a teen, inexplicably murdered her parents as well. Even more alarming is the discovery that the dead boy has a twin, who may also be genetically predisposed to kill.
Гольфисты, соревнуясь друг с другом, сталкиваются с жуткой чудовищной газонокосилкой, которая изголодалась по человеческой плоти...