Del Hunter-White

Del Hunter-White


Del Hunter-White


Off the Record
Robin McNutt
DC Female Security Guard
Когда при перелете из Африки в Америку бесследно «исчезает» египтянин Анвар, подозреваемый в терроризме, его американская жена Изабелла и аналитик ЦРУ Дуглас всеми силами пытаются вызволить его из находящейся за пределами США секретной тюрьмы, где Анвара подвергают жестоким пыткам, пытаясь «выбить» из него признание.
An arrogant Malibu tycoon frantically tries to locate the files of a murdered psychotherapist before his enemies get their hands on them and destroy him in this failed pilot from the creators of "Dynasty."
Based on an Untrue Story
Mrs. Johnson
Perfume creator Satin Chau is about to reveal her new designer scent, 'Puppy,' when she is cruelly struck down by a rare condition called anosmia, which robs her of her sense of smell and could even kill her. With time fast running out, she begins a frantic search for the only people who can provide the tissue-donations she desperately needs: her long-lost sisters, Corduroy and Velour.