Heloïse Adam


7 Days
Ivan and Chiara meet on a Sicilian island to prepare the wedding for Ivan’s brother and Chiara’s best friend. Despite the fact that Ivan is determined not to repeat the failure of his last relationship and Chiara does not want to jeopardise her marriage, the two fall in love with each other. They resolve to live their relationship for only a few days and then break it off when the wedding guests arrive on the island. But can love be controlled? Or is it love that controls us?
Sweet Dream
Sweet Dream is a story of friendship, sex and dreams in the rough world of today's teenagers.
История о том, как французский юноша Тома по воле случая попробовал себя в роли Джульетты, но неожиданно влюбился в другого юношу, Жереми, игравшего роль Ромео...