Iikka Vehkalahti


A Boarding School
Executive Producer
A Boarding School offers rare access inside an Islamic boarding school, and an insight into a traditional educational system that fosters good character-building based on a peaceful religious teaching that has been practiced in Indonesia for centuries. Raising their students to respect and to have compassion towards others despite their differences, these schools are Indonesia’s last defense in the face of today’s rising extremism.
Дело о Новом величии
Anya was an ordinary Moscow teenager who found a chat group of her choice online. They talked about animals, the stars and social issues. A man called Ruslan D joined the group, who set up an office space for the online group to meet. Step by step, he began to lead young people who were critical of the Putin's regime towards political activism. Ruslan D placed a camera in the meeting room, and when he had enough footage, he handed it over to the prosecutor. The police raided the teenagers' homes and they were arrested on charges of planning to overthrow the government and terrorism. Three years of legal proceedings transformed Anya's mother from a loyal follower of Putin to a hunger-striking activist. Moscow-based director Anna Shishova followed Anya and her mother's life throughout the event and eventually revealed the true identity of Ruslan D.
Invisible Demons
A prismatic meditation on pollution in the capital of the World’s biggest free-market democracy and the most polluted and populated city, Delhi – a film about the pollution inside of the human mind.
Invisible Demons
A prismatic meditation on pollution in the capital of the World’s biggest free-market democracy and the most polluted and populated city, Delhi – a film about the pollution inside of the human mind.
The First 54 Years: An Abbreviated Manual for Military Occupation
An exhaustive explanation of how the military occupation of an invaded territory occurs and its consequences, using as a paradigmatic example the recent history of Israel and the Palestinian territories, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, from 1967, when the Six-Day War took place, to the present day; an account by filmmaker Avi Mograbi enriched by the testimonies of Israeli army veterans.
Дитя любви
Creative Producer
Пронзительный портрет Лейлы и Саханда, иранской пары, которая объявлена вне закона за свою любовь и бежит из страны со своим четырехлетним сыном Мани. В Тегеране они совершили преступление, закрутив много лет назад тайный роман, оба будучи в браке. Им было запрещено разводиться и они не могли признать, что Мани — незаконнорожденный ребенок, поскольку супружеская измена может караться в Иране смертной казнью.
Tarinoiden Suomi
Sound Editor
StoryTent was set up in market places around Finland to collect stories from random passers-by without any thematic limitations imposed by the film-makers. Thus, something unexpected happened, personal stories became stories within a story.
Tarinoiden Suomi
Creative Producer
StoryTent was set up in market places around Finland to collect stories from random passers-by without any thematic limitations imposed by the film-makers. Thus, something unexpected happened, personal stories became stories within a story.
Взгляд тишины
В фильме режиссер обращается к теме геноцида в Индонезии в период 1965-1966 годов. История вращается вокруг семьи выживших в том кошмаре, которые пытаются выяснить, кто убил их сына и брата.
Executive Producer
Olga is believed to be a mentally disabled, orphan girl who is following reindeer herder along the hiking trails in Russia. But she is a very smart teenager and an excellent storyteller.
Congo: White King, Red Rubber, Black Death
This true, astonishing story describes how King Leopold II of Belgium turned Congo into its private colony between 1885 and 1908. Under his control, Congo became a gulag labor camp of shocking brutality. Leopold posed as the protector of Africans fleeing Arab slave-traders but, in reality, he carved out an empire based on terror to harvest rubber.
Man in the Shadows
Director of Photography
Фильм о финском коммунисте Отто Куусинене, который бежал в Советский союз и стал там влиятельной партийной фигурой. Он возглавлял марионеточное правительство Карелии, работал со Сталиным и Хрущевым, потерял в чистках отца и вторую жену, отрекся от обоих.
Man in the Shadows
Фильм о финском коммунисте Отто Куусинене, который бежал в Советский союз и стал там влиятельной партийной фигурой. Он возглавлял марионеточное правительство Карелии, работал со Сталиным и Хрущевым, потерял в чистках отца и вторую жену, отрекся от обоих.
Man in the Shadows
Фильм о финском коммунисте Отто Куусинене, который бежал в Советский союз и стал там влиятельной партийной фигурой. Он возглавлял марионеточное правительство Карелии, работал со Сталиным и Хрущевым, потерял в чистках отца и вторую жену, отрекся от обоих.
A Poriburger with Mustard
Week of Finnish barbecue lifestyle in Pori.