Jason Weissbrod

Jason Weissbrod


Jason Weissbrod


Doobious Sources
Zorn Tappadapo
A pair of weed-loving, free lance video journalists find themselves targeted by a mark they slandered in one of their exposes.
Doobious Sources
Camera Operator
A pair of weed-loving, free lance video journalists find themselves targeted by a mark they slandered in one of their exposes.
For a Fistful of Diamonds
Once upon a time, a briefcase full of diamonds purchased by French Mobster Dede Fratelini were headed to its owner in Paris via Las Vegas, but the diamonds inconveniently disappeared somewhere in the middle of the Nevada desert. A ruthless killer on his way to prison escapes captivity and intercepts the briefcase by killing the carrier and hijacking his car. His ex-girlfriend Tatiana and her current lover Buitre foil his plans, disabling him. Now, FBI agent Franco Valle has to recover the diamonds and retrace their path, proving to be a complicated, and at times comical, task.
Little Athens
A day in Athens, Arizona, as teens and twenty-somethings navigate life without a compass. Jimmy has gambling debts and sees a chance to steal and sell a dead-man's stash of drugs. The corpse's cousin smells a rat. Jessica, who is babysitting, abandons her charge to seek someone to defend her from a boyfriend angry that he's caught an STD. Corey is responsible for his teen sister, and he and his pal Pedro have been evicted, so they plot to steal a car, sell it, and get back in their apartment. Heather, an EMT, thinks her cop boyfriend is cheating, and she confides in her best friend. There's a party that night where all comes to a head.
Big Bad Wolf
Джози Геллер — самая молодая журналистка в редакции большой газеты. Никто ее всерьез не воспринимает как бы она не старалась. Личная жизнью тоже не ладится: за двадцать пять лет ни одного парня. Но несмотря ни на что Джози добивается права сделать репортаж о средней школе. Но репортаж должен описывать школу изнутри, глазами школьника. А теперь представьте себе что ждет двадцатипятилетнюю отличницу, выглядящую на семнадцать, с полным отсутствием жизненного опыта и навыков интимного общения в старшем классе обычной школы.
Лига Справедливости Америки
The evil Weather Man is intent on destroying New Metro City with a series of malevolent meteorological mishaps. Can the super-powered (and semi-employed) Justice League of America save the day? Or will New Metro be drowned in a humongous tidal wave?
My Heart Flies
In this newest animated short, a girl named Kira who was builled at school by Stinky, Yucky, and Bobo while playing ball with her friend Hunter. Later on that night she dreams about playing in a fantasy world with unicorns and fairies. Suddenly a Monster Bully comes and attacks the land which made Kira scared and abused til Fairy Queen Flutterby comes to the rescue and helps her overcome her fears by casting a spell so they can save Dreamworld from the Monster Bully and hopefully Kira wakes up from a dream which inspired her to stop bullying for good.