Холмс и Уотсон пытаются сорвать схемы печально известного шантажиста Чарльза Августа Милвертона от шантажа леди Евы Блэквелл. Но всё не так просто, как и они рассчитывали, и Холмс должен пожертвовать своей моралью и своей честной карьерой, чтобы остановить Милвертона от разрушения ее брака.
The Little Match Girl is a short story by Danish poet and author Hans Christian Andersen. The story is about a dying child's hopes and dreams, and was first published in 1845. This adaptation was made for Harlech TV and broadcast on 28th December 1986 and starred Twiggy and Roger Daltrey, and features the song 'Mistletoe and Wine' which became a Christmas number one for Cliff Richard in 1988, the biggest selling record of that year.
Now a respected teacher of temporal observers, Dominick has not visited the past for several years. He is content with his lot, resigned to the idea that he will never again see Jane, the lover he left in 1980, or their son. Then his boss gives him a new mission: to find out what has become of one of Dominick's students, Pyrus Bonnington, who has gone missing in 1982.
Dominick Hide, a time traveller from the year 2130, is studying the London transport system of 1980. Time travellers are supposed to be observers, and are strictly forbidden to land their flying saucers. One time traveller who broke this rule accidentally killed a dog, changing history and causing many future people to disappear. Inspired by his Great Aunt Mavis, Dominick decides to find his great great grandfather. He begins to land in 1980, where his strange clothes and speech make him seem an eccentric oddball. His quest brings him into contact with beautiful boutique owner Jane, and they fall in love. As Dominick's visits become more frequent and more prolonged, he increasingly risks his indiscretion being discovered by his boss, Caleb Line, and every moment he spends in the past increases the danger that he will catastrophically change the future
Потерявшая мужа графиня Элизабет с горя начинает увлекаться чёрной магией и начинает практиковать купание в крови девственниц, помогающее вернуть молодость и красоту. Вскоре она встречает нового потенциального мужа — симпатичного лейтената, но тот, узнав о кровожадных пристрастиях Элизабет, решает повременить со свадьбой.