Victor Horstink


Blijven Gaan
Camera Operator
Five seniors, the eldest is 91 years old, train together in a gym in Rotterdam to keep fit. But the body falters and their environment is getting smaller and smaller. By doing sports, the seniors support each other: origin and social status disappear. The gym fraternizes and gives the elderly unprecedented pleasure. Despite the fanatical sports, the decline is unstoppable. This documentary also shows the seniors alone at home and the confrontational fight against the body that is becoming stiffer, with the realization that that battle is always lost in the long run.
Camera Operator
Jochem Myjer - Nog Eentje Dan
It was a year of extremes for Jochem Myjer: he performed in Carré one-hundred times but at the same time struggled with the tumors growing in his back. How did he keep himself going?
Sylvana, Demon or Diva
She used to host music shows on Dutch TV, but now she’s the figurehead of the political party BIJ1 ("Together"). As a woman of color who was born in Suriname but grew up in the Netherlands, she knows how it feels to be treated as a minority. Her outspoken style in fighting for a world in which everyone has equal rights and opportunities sometimes provokes extreme reactions, and her attackers have posted sinister death-threat videos on YouTube. We follow her in the three months leading up to the local elections, in which she's running for the Amsterdam City Council. During TV debates, interviews and discussions with opponents, we see Simons standing up for her opinions with a fascinating force of argument. But when she’s on her therapist's couch or at home in front of her well-filled walk-in closet, she shows her vulnerable side.
0,03 seconds
Camera Operator
A poignant insight into the world of sport, where talent, passion and endurance mean everything, but give no guarantee of success.
Camera Operator
A zoo veterinarian gets caught up in a grisly adventure as she finds herself leading the city-wide hunt for a monstrous lion terrorizing the Dutch capital of Amsterdam.
Провалы в памяти
Бывший бандит Джос за день до своей свадьбы просыпается рядом с трупом и с пистолетом в руке. Кроме этого его обвиняют в краже 20 килограммов кокаина. Он не помнит что с ним произошло и у него есть 24 часа, чтобы разобраться с этим делом...
The Secret Letter
Sound Recordist
Eleven-year-old Eva is upset by the many rows between her parents and decides to run away. She wants to hide at her best friends Jackie and Thomas’ house, but circumstances bring her to her mysterious neighbour’s garden. She finds a secret letter there, which tells her the man is a king pin in a criminal organisation. And he is not exactly happy with Eva’s unannounced visit. To convince her of the importance of secrecy, he reveals that Eva’s dad is also involved in his illegal affairs. Eva hesitates: is her father who he claims to be? From that moment on, the enterprising girl does her utmost to exonerate her father from being involved. A period dawns in which Eva discovers that grownups also lead their own lives. She wants to ask questions, but at the same time she is afraid of the answers.
Ничего личного
Sound Recordist
Молодая женщина и пожилой мудрец бросают вызов друг другу и переживают историю о личной свободе и привязанности. Она — молодая голландская женщина, которая после отказа от всего своего имущества становится бродягой и находит свое одиночество в строгих пейзажах Ирландии. Он — старик, который живет уединенной жизнью в изолированном доме в Ирландии. Она — радикальна и бескомпромиссна. Он — мудр и ироничен. То, что объединяет их — одиночество, которое они оба расценивают как свободу.