Kim Ji-heon

Рождение : 1928-08-05,

Смерть : 2015-07-15


Kim Ji-heon was a South-Korean screenwriter.


Поздняя осень
Original Story
Муж Анны Чэнь очень ревнив. Однажды он узнаёт, что жена поддерживает отношения со своей первой любовью, начинается скандал, после чего Анна приходит в себя и обнаруживает рядом мёртвого супруга. Женщине дают 9 лет тюрьмы, но через 7 лет выпускают на трое суток на похороны матери. По дороге в Сиэтл Анна знакомится с корейским эмигрантом, и за эти 72 часа их пути пересекутся не раз.
Night Markets
Seung-ah fails to get into college and wander through life. She meets Jin-tae and loses her virginity to him. She continues to be psychologically lost until she meets her true love Seok-ho, an ice hockey player. But he dies tragically during a game. Her wanderings in night markets lead her to meet psychiatrist named Min Jeong-gi. They develop a father/daughter relationship but she is soon disappointed by his hypocrisy. She returns to Jin-tae and begins to appreciate rough but genuine nature and begins a new life.
В оковах плоти
Женщина в садится в поезд и едет в родные края на встречу с возлюбленным, от которого давно нет ни слуху ни духу. Она вспоминает тот день, когда они познакомились — она смотрела в окно поезда, а какой-то юный балагур угостил её купленной на полустанке снедью.
A Bride on the Second Floor
A young bride moves into her husband's family and tries to modernize their lifestyle. Her plans, though, often get discouraged by her mother-in-law, a conservative lady who stresses traditional values. But the bride's father-in-law who understands the charms of her daughter-in-law's modern lifestyle, helps her to get what she wants. Eventually, they become one happy family living a modern lifestyle.
A doctor is shocked to learn that his girlfriend had formerly been the mistress of a married man.
The Three Hen-pecked Generations
A grandfather, his son, and grandson are all henpecked husbands. A comedy picturing these three henpecked men's lives at one family.
Late Autumn
A well behaved female prisoner, on parole, is set to return to prison. On the train ride back to prison she encounters a man who is actually a fugitive.
Under the Sky in Seoul
An oriental doctor Kim Hak-gyu is a cantankerous man who is the longest-term householder in a small village in Seoul. He often causes domestic trouble by being nasty to his wife and his children. Kim Hyeon-ok, a daughter of a young widow who runs Nahana Beauty Shop, is in love with Choi Du-yeol, an obstetrician across the street. Kim Hak-gyu has great distaste for western medicine, and at the same time, is jealous of the obstetrician. He always gets in the way of Choi Du-yeol. Kim's son, Hyeon-gu, dates Jeom-ryae, a daughter of a bar owner.
The Love Marriage
A medical doctor, Ko, has three daughters. The first daughter, Suk-hee, confesses her past when her husband asks her to forgive his past, on the first night of their honeymoon. When he breaks off the marriage and goes to America, Suk-hee confines herself to her home for three years.