Līga Pipare


Ētera personība. Gunārs Jākobsons
A documentary about the legendary personality at Latvian Radio - Gunārs Jākobsons.
Слёт выпускников 2
Трём друзьям надо успеть на похороны, организовать мальчишник для Тома и потом явиться вовремя на его свадьбу. Личные проблемы, дружба «не разлей вода» и абсолютная нехватка времени затягивает всю тройню в сумасшедшие приключения.
Two couples are bored in their everyday lives and decide to meet. Their exciting experience turns out not to be as well planned as they thought.
Слёт выпускников
Их дружба проверена временем и теперь, 25 лет спустя после окончание школы, они получают приглашение на слёт выпускников. Один из них - измученный рутиной жизни и геморроем глава семьи, другой - необузданный рок-музыкант с любвеобильными фанатками за кулисами каждого концерта, третьего недавно бросила жена. Их встреча - это и воспоминания о былых временах, и желание помочь друг другу, но самое главное - это безумная вечеринка с неожиданными поворотами и приключениями.
Кольцо Намея
XIII век, эпоха крестовых походов. Папа Римский поручает своему бастарду Максу, известному своей жестокостью, отправиться на север и подчинить свободолюбивых земгалов, отверагющих христианство. Макс отравляет правителя земгалов в надежде, что наследником станет один из его ставленников, но тот на смертном одре отдаёт кольцо королей смекалистому и храброму простолюдину по имени Намей.
The Family
This film looks at the Brukna commune which helps addicts recover with hard work and lots of prayer. They spend their days restoring a church and offer a look at their past lives, which they’ve escaped for a moment.
Dream Team 1935
Geneva, Switzerland 1935. The first European Basketball Championship is about to take place. Basketball is still an unknown sport in Europe, and the national teams are meeting for the first time. Each wants the honour of being the first champion. Meanwhile in Latvia, coach Baumanis is convinced that he can assemble a team and take it to Geneva. He quickly learns however, that triumph and defeat are also part of the game. Coach Baumanis faces many difficulties, as well as unexpected help from those closest to him.
Rudolf's Gold
The dawn of the XX century promised Latvians a prosperous and happy future. The nation’s self-esteem had awakened, and farmers were increasingly able to rise above even the estate stewards. Rudups, old soldier of the Kaiser and, with his wealth and pride, a thorn in the Baron’s side, becomes truly uncontrollable when he’s hit by Cupid’s arrow. The old boy is willing to do anything for simple maid Emily. But the girl loves his godson Karlis. It’s all a mix of riches, of cheating, and the Baron’s lawlessness. The fight of two relatives for Emily’s heart changes the fate of both men and the maid, so she can see sunshine through the tears.
Defenders of Riga
The film dramatizes November 11, 1919- a crucial date in the battle for Latvian independence. A year after the end of the official hostilities of WWI, a renegade German general and troops remain outside the Latvian capital. Latvian riflemen, most of them inexperienced volunteers, somehow managed to defeat a larger, better-armed force of German and Russian mercenaries.
I'm Buying Your Husband
Director of Photography
On the eve of their 20th wedding anniversary, a wife finds out her husband has a lover who wants to buy him from her. The wife agrees.
Camera Operator
Viktorijas bērni
Director of Photography
The protogonist of this documentary is Victoria - a lady who's become a person who provides emotional support to a multitude of children in her neighbourhood.
Viktorijas bērni
The protogonist of this documentary is Victoria - a lady who's become a person who provides emotional support to a multitude of children in her neighbourhood.
Viktorijas bērni
The protogonist of this documentary is Victoria - a lady who's become a person who provides emotional support to a multitude of children in her neighbourhood.
Director of Photography
It is a bit funny and a bit sad story about snowmen and…spring. Everyone has got their time and place in this world. Like that rabbit who managed to get fresh carrots in spring.