Santiago de la Rica


Ночь в старой Мексике
Executive Producer
Вынужденный отказаться от своего ранчо и земли Ред Боуви, вместо того чтобы остепениться на старости лет, прыгает в свой Кадиллак и мчится в Мексику вместе со своим внуком Галли, которого он только что повстречал…
Paper Birds
Executive Producer
At the end of the Spanish Civil War, the members of a group of vaudeville performers have been stripped of everything: all they have left is hunger and the instinct to survive. Day after day, agonizingly, lost and helpless between the victors and the vanquished, the musician Jorge, the ventriloquist Enrique, the couplet singer Rocío and the orphan Miguel search tirelessly for something to eat and a safe place to live.
Carlitos and the Chance of a Lifetime
Carlitos is a heartfelt story about one young boy's fight for his right to play soccer, while keeping his very essence intact.