Laurent Dufreche


Based on real-life personal experiences, Iratxe Fresneda takes us on a personal journey where past and present blend in a stunningly sensorial visual experience; from the calm shores of the Danube to the hectic life of Madrid, four interlaced stories converge and get lost in the mysteries of Tetuán.
Hondalea: Marine Abyss
The sculptor Cristina Iglesias has made what is probably the most important work in her career to date, Hondalea. Her intervention in the Lighthouse on San Sebastian's Santa Clara Island. Taking her inspiration from the island's wild nature and the peculiar geology of the Basque coast, the sculpture by Cristina Iglesias transforms the interior of the lighthouse, now restored and converted into a vertiginous sculptural space. The cast-metal geological strata and the water flowing to the rhythm of the waves and the tides will offer the visitor a profound experience. This film looks at the process of building the work.
Амайа. Дитя вампира
1876 год. Во время военных действий в Испании маленькую девочку спасает от гибели загадочная женщина. Девочка растет и считает женщину ангелом, который пришел спасти ее. Вскоре она понимает, что на самом деле эта странная женщина дала ей вечную жизнь, превратив в вампира...
During lockdown, Telmo Esnal recovered a long-forgotten project: 'UR', a tale by Pablo Azkue taking a deep look at the conscience and the sea. 'Urtzen' is a special cinematic essay, a curious collage which, recycling and reusing dialogues, images and music, reflects on existence.
Вечный окоп
Молодожены Ихиньо и Роза сталкиваются с началом гражданской войны в Испании, которая представляет собой угрозу для жизни Ихиньо. Он вынужден прятаться в своем доме, опасаясь быть застреленным франкистами. С помощью своей жены Ихиньо решает использовать яму, вырытую в собственном доме, в качестве укрытия. Страх потенциального возмездия и любовь, которую они испытывают друг к другу, обрекают супружескую пару на 30-летнее заключение.
Bye Bye Mr. Etxebeste!
Patrizio Etxebeste decides to resign from the office of mayor for health problems, but few know the real reason: the recent corruption scandals uncovered in nearby towns lead him to believe that his may be the next head to roll. Who better to take up the reins and maintain the control than Mª Luisa, his faithful wife? But it won’t all be quite as simple as it once might have been. His decorative wife decides not to be quite so decorative and starts taking action.
When the rain ends, life sprouts from the earth. A fruit grows and becomes the apple that gives life to the cider. Then comes the time of harvest, toasting and celebrating love. A story about the cycle of life and death, of the struggle for survival. Where the passage of time is marked by the course of nature, music and dance.
Халил живет в маленьком городке, где высокие здания граничат с болотами. Он постоянно навещает старика по имени Хосе Рамон. Тот делит со своим братом дом, но отказывается говорить с ним. Потерянные души обитают в этих болотах, никогда не пересекаясь и не заботясь друг о друге.
Вернувшись после гражданской войны с парализованной рукой, Мартин узнаёт, что его младший брат внезапно начал расти и уже вымахал за два с половиной метра. Чтобы прокормить семью в стране, которая опустошена войной, Мартин убеждает брата согласиться выступать на потеху толпе, а сам становится его антрепренёром. Однако, всё меняется когда братья понимают, что гигантизм - это опасная болезнь и гиганты долго не живут.
Echoing Calls
An account of the creative exile of Mirentxu Loyarte, one of those brave, unknown pioneers of European cinema, examining her memory and work; the search for a cinematographic treasure made of flesh and bone…
Twelve short films, twelve portraits of the city of San Sebastian.
Perejil Island
Ibrahim, a Moroccan soldier, is sent to a deserted island off the Mediterranean coast of Morocco to monitor the movements of smugglers and illegal immigrants. One day, Ibrahim finds a Sub-Saharan man, Mamadou, washed up on the beach. While the unlikely pair tries to survive on the miniscule island, they inadvertently trigger a diplomatic incident that crescendos into a regional military crisis.
Ghost Ship
A sinister tale of ships and shipwrecks, love and cinema, ghosts and vampires. Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, his wife Florence Balcombe and her relationship with Oscar Wilde. Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau and the lurking shadow of Count Orlok, the undead, the nosferatu. A mysterious cruise ship, a profaned tomb, an exciting adventure.
Ghost Ship
Sound Designer
A sinister tale of ships and shipwrecks, love and cinema, ghosts and vampires. Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, his wife Florence Balcombe and her relationship with Oscar Wilde. Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau and the lurking shadow of Count Orlok, the undead, the nosferatu. A mysterious cruise ship, a profaned tomb, an exciting adventure.
Years after their break-up, Tanya and Josean meet again at a conference on renewable energy. She has a lot to tell him...
The story of a family; the story of a conflict. The rural and the urban, the past and the present, parents and their offspring: opposing ways of life struggle against one another whilst, in eloquent silence, the grandmother ('amama') watches her family’s destiny unfold.
Arid soil, sun, wind. A procession crosses the landscape. The echoes of their prayers bring the rain.
Hubert Le Blon's Last Flight
The story of a pioneer of the engine who dreamt of dragonflies as a child and died living out his dream.
Cutting Grass
Moritats are old folk songs about crimes and are typical of Central Europe. Zela Trovke is a moritat from Slovakia which the Holland Baroque Society has recovered to include in its Barbaric Beauty programme. Maite Larburu, the orchestra’s violinist, unveils the song's hidden secrets.
Every day, at the same time, Antonio and Santi have a strange conversation. Three women are witness to it.
Deus et Machina
The employee comes to the factory every day. He is the only person who is qualified to do his particular job. It is precise, mundane, and repetitive work. Every morning he goes through the same drill, starting up each machine. Today, though, he has made a decision...
The 'bertsolari' is a kind of minstrel sings and improvises verses in Basque. This oral tradition has evolved with the times and connecting with younger generations, getting to meet at the end of the last championship to 14 thousand people. An austere aesthetic art of surprising in this age of spectacle and special effects.
Камера 211
Assistant Editor
Хуан — полицейский, пришел наниматься надзирателем в тюрьму. Знакомство с новым рабочим местом оказалось роковым. Он попал в переделку, и ему пришлось прикинуться заключенным, чтобы спасти свою жизнь. Этот шаг поставил его на тонкую грань выживаемости.
The city taxi drivers have followed a course on kindness. If you do not make the grade, you will not arrive at your destination.