Lazër Filipi

Рождение : 1921-02-07, Shirq, Shkodër, Albania

Смерть : 2016-12-16


In the Name of Freedom
A wounded Greek partisan is helped by Albanian partisans and hidden in the house of an old woman, but his life is still in danger due to the presence of Nazis.
A Name Among People
Biopic about the patriot and political activist Avni Rustemi.
The Bride
Sadik Aliaj
Northern Albania, 1911. Bali marries Bardha, who is betrothed to Sokol Dema, currently imprisoned by the Turks. Bardha tells this to Bali on the first night of their marriage and puts him in a dilemma: he should either kill Bardha due to the laws of the land, or send her to the parents of Sokol Dema.
The Councillors
Year 1943. All the members of an anti-fascist council are arrested by the Nazis during a wedding, along with the husband. They are pressured into signing a document against the council, but they refuse, and instead plan to help the husband escape in case of an execution.
The Fall of Idols
Dash Cungeli
A teacher in a remote village gets hindered by zealot members of the community who still believe in old superstitions.
The Forest of Freedom
Vlash Zaka is a poor villager who secures his living by capturing wild horses in the forest. His brother has killed an Italian spy, so Vlash is under surveillance and his life is in danger.
Sounds of War
karocjer Maliqi
Bardhi, an orphan boy, goes to the city to work in the house of a rich man, where he learns how to play the violin.
Në fillim të verës
Shaqo Bregu
In Fascist Albania 1942, Albanian partisans will do all they can to remove the Italian fascists from their country.
The Explosion
Engineer Ilir wants to drill for oil in an area in which there exists no data from previous researchers. Faced with disagreement from his colleague, as well as the lack of experience, he is determined to finish the job.
The Conscience
drejtori i ndërmarjes
Kujtim works as a car mechanic. He makes a mistake and does not fix the brakes of a truck properly, which leads to a deadly accident. He feels guilty, but is unable to admit his mistake.
The Captain
Shoku Ropi
A misogynistic old man goes to complain about "his rights" after a woman is elected as the leader of his village's cooperative.
Why Is This Drum Rumbling?
Katrina and Xhavit, two young volunteers working on the construction of a railroad, fall in love and decide to marry. However, the girl's father does not approve this marriage.
Echo on the Seashore
World War II. Patriot Jonuz Bruga has troubles with his young son, Selim, who leads an immoral lifestyle and does not support the anti-fascist war, while his brothers fight in the city's guerrilla units.
Действие происходит во время Второй мировой войны: раненые партизаны Зана и Арбен попадают в руки полиции. В этих сложных условиях между молодыми людьми возникают чувства. Помощь раненым оказывают молодые партизаны. Противостоит им адвокат Эшеф, работающий в тесном сотрудничестве с оккупантами. Арбену удаётся сбежать. Он становится организатором крестьянского выступления, и совместно с ними партизаны одерживают победу. Но на смену итальянским фашистам приходят немецкие. Начинаются массовые аресты. Партизанский отряд вынужден уйти в горы. Погибают друзья Арбена. Но растёт народная армия, поднимается над Албанией буря народного гнева.
Фильм поставлен по одноименной повести Фатмира Дьяты, рассказывающей о жизни простой деревенской девушки Таны, которая смело и настойчиво борется со старыми предрассудками, за права женщины в новом албанском селе.