Juan Sebastián Quebrada


Дни кита
Кристина и Симон — художники, которые рисуют граффити на стенах своего родного города Медельина. Однажды они бросают вызов местной преступной банде, нарисовав поверх написанной теми угрозы большого кита. Молодым людям предстоит столкнуться лицом к лицу со страхом, жестокостью и трудностями взросления.
В то время, как отца - крупного госчиновника - публично обвиняют в коррупции, Мелани устраивает вечеринку для друзей в его шикарном загородном доме.
The Treehouse
A fiery young couple may be as hot for each other as they are ill-suited. An astute look at the stormy passions and knotty intensity that make some relationships alluring to the point of being unbearable.
The Treehouse
A fiery young couple may be as hot for each other as they are ill-suited. An astute look at the stormy passions and knotty intensity that make some relationships alluring to the point of being unbearable.
Watch How I Forget You
It's the beginning of spring. Federico travels for 20 days from Bogota, Colombia, to Buenos Aires, Argentine. In Buenos Aires he meets a couple of friends that introduce him to Florencia, a girl that makes him doubt his return.
Watch How I Forget You
It's the beginning of spring. Federico travels for 20 days from Bogota, Colombia, to Buenos Aires, Argentine. In Buenos Aires he meets a couple of friends that introduce him to Florencia, a girl that makes him doubt his return.
Strange Days
Two young Colombians, Luna y Juan, live in the suburbs of a Buenos Aires without Argentines. Their relationship oscillates between tender gestures and violent explosions. Everything between them gradually gets more intense: their games, fights, recklessness and even their monotony. But something changes when Federica shows up that sets into crisis the fragile nature of their relationship, unveiling the decadence they have gotten themselves into.
Strange Days
Two young Colombians, Luna y Juan, live in the suburbs of a Buenos Aires without Argentines. Their relationship oscillates between tender gestures and violent explosions. Everything between them gradually gets more intense: their games, fights, recklessness and even their monotony. But something changes when Federica shows up that sets into crisis the fragile nature of their relationship, unveiling the decadence they have gotten themselves into.
Strange Days
Two young Colombians, Luna y Juan, live in the suburbs of a Buenos Aires without Argentines. Their relationship oscillates between tender gestures and violent explosions. Everything between them gradually gets more intense: their games, fights, recklessness and even their monotony. But something changes when Federica shows up that sets into crisis the fragile nature of their relationship, unveiling the decadence they have gotten themselves into.
Strange Days
Two young Colombians, Luna y Juan, live in the suburbs of a Buenos Aires without Argentines. Their relationship oscillates between tender gestures and violent explosions. Everything between them gradually gets more intense: their games, fights, recklessness and even their monotony. But something changes when Federica shows up that sets into crisis the fragile nature of their relationship, unveiling the decadence they have gotten themselves into.