Jill Furman

Jill Furman


Jill Furman (born 1969) is an American theatrical producer. Furman's Broadway credits include: Hamilton, In the Heights, Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella, The Heiress, Seminar, West Side Story, The Drowsy Chaperone, Sly Fox and Fortune’s Fool. Off Broadway: Freestyle Love Supreme, On The Line and Adult Entertainment.


Jill Furman


На высоте мечты
Executive Producer
Вашингтон-Хайтс. Запах горячего кофе витает в воздухе у станции метро «181-я улица», а калейдоскоп желаний собирает там шумных и дружных жителей этого района Нью-Йорка. В этот вихрь попадает и Уснави, обаятельный и привлекательный владелец небольшого магазинчика, который экономит каждый заработанный нелегким трудом цент и мечтает, грезит и поет о лучшей жизни.
Executive Producer
Александр Гамильтон — один из отцов-основателей США, выходец из Британской Вест-Индии. Он стал одним из главных американских государственных деятелей, участвовал в войне за независимость США, помог сформировать правительство и конституцию новой страны, стал первым министром финансов.
We Are Freestyle Love Supreme
This documentary follows the 15-year journey of the founding members of the improv hip-hop group Freestyle Love Supreme, as they reflect upon why this show remains such an important piece of their personal, creative, and professional history–from the basement of the Drama Bookshop in NYC to the Broadway stage.
In the Heights: Chasing Broadway Dreams
Executive Producer
Making it in New York City is tough. Few get the chance to live out their dreams, and the cast and crew of In the Heights know this all too well. This young, diverse group of relatively unknown artists and performers dreamed of making it on Broadway, but are well aware that a new original musical set outside a bodega in the Latino neighborhood of Washington Heights is a highly risky proposition. It took eight years in all, but they succeeded beyond their wildest expectations, winning four Tony Awards along the way, including Best Musical and Best Score for a Musical. This documentary chronicles the personal stories of composer/lyricist Lin-Manuel Miranda and the cast of In the Heights in the months leading up to its 2008 opening night.