Jessica Cediel

Jessica Cediel

Рождение : 2019-06-04, Bogotá, Colombia


Jéssica Eliana Cediel Silva (Bogotá, Colombia, April 4, 1982) is a Colombian journalist, model and television presenter, known for having presented the programs Muy Buenos Días, Estilo RCN and Nuestra semana, nuestra tele, of RCN Televisión. From 2014 until November 22, 2016 she was part of the panel of presenters of Univision, on November 22, 2016 she returned again to the country to present Yo Me Llamo of Caracol Televisión.


Jessica Cediel


No me echen ese muerto
Mi otra yo
Liliana Navarro
A controversial TV host and comedian who has built his career on sexist humor is forced to assume a woman's identity to elude a relentless drug dealer.
Nadie sabe para quien trabaja
Arturo is a 45-year-old tinterillo with a legal advisory office. One day Arturo meets Simon, a 30-year-old man who has the possibility of inheriting a large fortune. The problem ?: Simon has no right to inheritance because it is from a distant family member and the deceased did not leave a will. Arturo will ally himself with Antonia, an accountant with whom she shares an office, in order to claim the inheritance applying the most unexpected techniques, tactics and tricks.
Махнем на Луну!
Yayita (voice)
Злые инопланетяне задумали покорить нашу планету благодаря могущественному амулету, с помощью которого можно подчинить своей воле любое разумное существо. На Земле готовится спасательная операция. Но есть одна проблема. Выполнить миссию может только тот, чей интеллект очень мал и кто не подвержен действию амулета. Но где найти такого дурачка? Разве что послать в космос одного незадачливого кондора, живущего среди людей. Хоть он и портит девять дел из десяти, но сейчас, похоже, его «куриные мозги» окажутся как нельзя кстати.
Una Comedia Macabra
Angela discovers that her boyfriend is unfaithful to her. With lies convinces Jenny, a friend victim of many phobias, to visit a witch expert in voodoo to perform his revenge.
Todas para uno
Lothario Martin has come to the realization that he needs to settle down. He strongly believes he can only do so by molding his behavior to the wishes of the woman he will eventually marry. However, he first must find her. He registers on an online dating site even though the answer to all of his troubles is right under his nose.