Michael Woolson

Michael Woolson


Michael Woolson


Operation Sandman
In the heat of an American desert, Captain Jean Farrell arrives at a secret military installation, run by the enigmatic Doctor Harlan Jessup. Jessup is conducting 'Operation Sandman', an experiment involving a group of soldiers who have volunteered to be injected with 'the Juice', a drug which enables them to function without sleep. The team of soldiers, led by gruff and abusive 'Gunny' Riggins continually takes part in Virtual Reality scenarios whereby they face terrorists, kidnappers, guerrillas and a plethora of other situations that demand split-second timing, and undying obedience in the face of danger.
A Thousand Men and a Baby
An American soldier finds an abandoned baby in a dumpster. The aircraft's crew welcomed him enthusiastically to provide necessary medical care, but the Korean authorities want to avoid calling the commander to let him in an orphanage. Telefilm based on a true story that occurred in 1953.
The First to Go
Tim Gardner
A romantic comedy about the first of a tight group of friends to get married.
Vows of Deception
When a prominent lawyer is found murdered, his wife is promptly arrested and charged with the crime. She swiftly accuses her stepson, with whom she claims to be having an affair. This sheds enough reasonable doubt to get her case dismissed on grounds of a mistrial, but three years later, prosecutors arrest and charge her again. Will she be so lucky on her second go?
Eye of the Stalker
Kyle Kennedy
A judge finds that the law is no help when her daughter becomes the object of a college professor's dangerous and terrifying obsession. Inspired by actual events.
Juan Martino
Осенью 1972 года в пятницу тринадцатого октября над Андами потерпел катастрофу авиалайнер, на борту которого находилась школьная сборная по регби из Уругвая. Самолет рухнул на высокогорное плато, которое было полностью отрезано от внешнего мира. Здесь, среди дикой стужи и трупов, горстке оставшихся в живых школьников предстоял жестокий, нечеловеческий тест на выживание. Семьдесят два бесконечных, мучительных дня молодые люди боролись за свою жизнь. Убежищем им служили обломки самолета, пищей — тела погибших товарищей. Иногда приходится превратиться в зверя, чтобы остаться человеком…