Andrew Stecker

Andrew Stecker

Рождение : , USA


Andrew Stecker is an actor.


Andrew Stecker


Operation Seawolf
Lt. Erich Reinhart
During the last days of World War II, Germany, desperate for any last grasp to defeat the allied powers, looked to their last remaining weapons and soldiers. The German Navy and the last remaining U-Boats were formed together for one desperate last mission – a mission to attack the United States Homeland, known as Operation Seawolf. Captain Hans Kessler, a grizzled submarine commander from both World Wars, is called into service to make one mission a success and help turn the tide of the war.
Oryen Roberts
Dowanhowee, a Native American woman, evades the notorious Dutch Wilder Gang by escaping into the uncharted Black Wood Forest. Once inside, they quickly discover they must help each other for they have unknowingly awaken an ancient ravenous creature, known as The Wendigo.
Battle Of The Bulge: Winter War
Lt. Robert Cappa and his platoon of 2nd Infantry Division soldiers must defend a vital supply depot from being captured by attacking German soldiers.
Nina of the Woods
Nina is an aspiring actress from a small, rural town. Hired to give some authenticity to a reality show tailing Bigfoot near her hometown, Nina is excited--as any actor would be--to work on a larger stage. But the forest has secrets of its own, pushing Nina and her crew to confront larger realities in this haunting and ruminative feature.
The Great War
Corporal Anson Kirby
In November of 1918 as World War I was ending, a unit of American soldiers goes behind enemy lines to find a lost platoon of African American soldiers.
Camper (male)
A small Midwestern town is turned upside down as its local sheriff finds himself hunting for a missing young man. The young mans wife is at the mercy of her community and its law enforcement to help her find him and in the process it seems the body count is rising throughout the hunt. The young man finds himself in a state of amnesia and can't recall who he is and how he got where he is. As he tries to discover his own identity he discovers strange things are happening to him and he can not control an evil that seems to be growing ever so rapidly inside him. As the horror that has hit this quiet little community has grown into something that even the sheriff and his people can't seem to stop - the terror seems to be leaving nothing but death in its wake.
Битва в Арденнах
'Doc' Anderson
Рождество 1944 года, немцы предпринимают последнюю попытку оттеснить союзнические войска на западном фронте. Взвод лейтенанта Каппы получает приказ занять и удерживать важный перекресток, не уступить его врагу. Героям предстоит найти веру и силы, чтобы выдержать натиск немцев в бою, получившим название «Битва в Арденнах».
Дом завтрашнего дня
Stand In
Фильм рассказывает о парнях, которые мечтают стать рок-звёздами. Но как подросткам преодолеть все преграды, выжить в средней школе, справиться с проблемами, возникающими на их пути, и воплотить свою мечту в реальность?
Дом завтрашнего дня
Фильм рассказывает о парнях, которые мечтают стать рок-звёздами. Но как подросткам преодолеть все преграды, выжить в средней школе, справиться с проблемами, возникающими на их пути, и воплотить свою мечту в реальность?
Stand In
Уилсон — одинокий, невротичный и до забавного честный человек среднего возраста, он не любит людей, но обожает собак. Он воссоединяется со своей бывшей женой и получает невероятный заряд счастья, когда узнает, что у него есть дочь-подросток, которую он никогда не встречал. В своем уникально возмутительном и слегка вывернутом наизнанку путём, Уилсон устанавливает, что воссоединение с ней — это может быть его последний шанс завести семью.
Уилсон — одинокий, невротичный и до забавного честный человек среднего возраста, он не любит людей, но обожает собак. Он воссоединяется со своей бывшей женой и получает невероятный заряд счастья, когда узнает, что у него есть дочь-подросток, которую он никогда не встречал. В своем уникально возмутительном и слегка вывернутом наизнанку путём, Уилсон устанавливает, что воссоединение с ней — это может быть его последний шанс завести семью.
A Stray
Drive By College Student
Trying to outrun his bad luck, a young Muslim refugee in Minneapolis seems like he just might make it — until he crosses paths with a stray dog.
Come Out Fighting
Lt. Mike Rawlings
Late 1944 during WWII, the American army have raced their way through the countryside on the border of France entering Nazi Germany. Hitler desperate to turn the tide, has deployed his secret weapon: an M-262 fighter jet. Lieutenant Frank Ross, a P-51 Mustang fighter pilot, encounters a Nazi weapon, and an intense aerial battle quickly ensues. Lieutenant Frank Ross is unsuccessful in the fight and is forced to eject from his own plane, landing himself behind enemy lines. Waiting for a rescue team, Frank finds himself in the middle of a German ambush against an American Tanker Patrol. Leading the USA Patrol is the 2nd Lt. Robert Hayes along with his right hand soldier, "Sergeant A.J. Red McCarron and also Private Michael "Salty" Buttons serving the famed 761st Tank Battalion known as "The Black Panthers." Buttons and the others must find a way to put differences aside and band together to win this war.
The Big Gift
A Christmas adventure film that follows the battle between an average father and Father Christmas.
Elston Gunn
When a prohibition-era gangster discovers his whole world is just a staged play, he must dodge not only cops but stagehands... he must save not only his crumbling empire, but his last hold on reality.