Vladimír Kalina


Hodinářova svatební cesta korálovým mořem
Hodinářova svatební cesta korálovým mořem
Love Between the Raindrops
Set in Prague during the years leading up to World War II, this family saga tells the story of a cobbler named Vincenc Bursik (Vladimir Mensik), who uproots his clan from the country to the city, only to suffer the loss of his wife and the failure of his shoe business within months. When his daughter moves away to go live with a wealthy businessman as his mistress, Vincenc is left to take care of his two sons, who spend their days in a secret garden vying for the affections of a teenage girl.
Já jsem Stěna smrti
Creative Producer
Brother for All the Money
Creative Producer
Honza and Zuzana are very young husband and wife. They have a little daughter of whom willingly occasionally take care the grandparents and Honza's fifteen-year-old brother Martin. Zuzana continues studying and Honza devotes all weekends as an amateur competitor to the motor-cycles at the speedway. Zuzana is not interested in motor-cycles. Martin holds responsible for his brother's marriage and at the advice of his friend Magda, who is of the same age, invites her sister-in-law to the club of Hucul horses so that she does not feel bored. But by misfortunes and unexplained quarrels both young husband and wife start being jealous of one another.
Past na kachnu
Creative Producer
Taxi driver Koukal (Miroslav Machácek) is stopped by the police for a routine traffic check. In the boot of his car the police find the body of a naked man. Koukal is arrested even though he claims he knows nothing about it. The case is assigned to Major Mlynár (Milan Sandhaus). The police identify the corpse as that of an Austrian citizen called Mitrik. Koukal has been regularly driving people interested in gambling to a secret gaming den. The police are put onto the gambling den by another taxi driver, who admits that he drove Mitrik there. Mlynár and officer cadet Pecka (Ivan Vyskocil) feign interest in gambling and visit the gaming den incognito.
Creative Producer
Creative Producer
Three arias from Antonín Dvořák´s fairytale opera Rusalka turned in to a movie, sung by Gabriela Beňačková (Rusalka), Libuše Márová (Witch), René Tuček (Hunter).
Shadows of a Hot Summer
Creative Producer
The story of 1947, when Bender's band, after a beating of the Nazis, tried to fight their way through Czechoslovakia to Austria. They come out of the forest to occupy the family's rural estate, kidnap doctors to help heal one of their wounded.
Creative Producer
Stín létajícího ptáčka
Creative Producer
A Nice Plate of Spinach
Creative Producer
The heroes of this absurd comedy, full of confusion and humor are Dzharda Zemanek and Frantisek Liska.
Smoke on the Potato Fields
Creative Producer
In this character study by Czech director Frantisek Vlacil, a stout middle-aged physician whose marriage has come apart establishes a practice in a small town. Gradually he's drawn into the lives of his patients—a childless couple, a pregnant girl with a stern mother, the son of a duck farmer—and each relationship reveals a bit more about him and the idyllic but insular community.
Smrt mouchy
Creative Producer
Dům Na poříčí
Creative Producer
One Silver Piece
Creative Producer
It is summer 1944. The war is far away from Slovak mountains for the time being. The head of forest management Borodác brings a new employee to complete the eight woodcutters work team of Czechs, Slovaks and one Pole - the young guy is Martin Uher, a former clerk form Prague. The eight tough men do not trust the newcomer at first, but as time is passing, they got used to him. After some time, Martin gets next to Julika, a young wife of the gamekeeper Tkác (Vlado Müller) and they begin to go out secretly. The gamekeeper knows that Martin had promised to cooperate with German Gestapo, after he had experienced a hard interrogation. In avoiding to be a grass, Martin leaves Prague to hide in Slovak mountains. Tkác wants Martin to inform on his colleagues who hide guns in the forest to ready to use them against Nazis.
Profesoři za školou
Creative Producer
Profesoři za školou
Profesoři za školou
Plavení hříbat
Creative Producer
Wine Working
Creative Producer
It is the summer of 1968 and also in South Moravian Pálavice appear political clashes. The so far peacefully farming Unified farmers' cooperative starts splitting. Some of the farmers have found the cooperative called Vidrupa and want to deal with wine in private trade. Michal Janák, chairman of the farmers' cooperative is a deliberate man and refuses the latent return to the capitalism. As an excellent farmer he continues preparing planting out new vineyards. His adversaries do not agree - the returns will come many years later. Jozka Hrdlicka, an émigré, notices on the Austrian TV the interview with the representatives of Vidrupa and decides to visit his native village. The new suit and the hired car transform the bankrupt and criminal to the successful businessman with wine.
Město nic neví
Creative Producer
Hotel Pacific
Creative Producer
Set in the early 1930s, a young man finds a job as a dishwasher in a hotel and quickly works his way up the ladder. Loosely based on the novel by Henryk Worcell.
Romance for a Crown
A musical comedy about a date between boy and girl which started badly but continued very unexpectedly...
Romance for a Crown
A musical comedy about a date between boy and girl which started badly but continued very unexpectedly...
My Brother Has a Cute Brother
Creative Producer
Honza Pavelka (Jan Hrusínský) wins the junior motorbike speed races. His thirteen-year-old brother Martin (Roman Cada), his assistant and biggest fan, answers the questions of his schoolfriend Pavlína in a superior tone. Student Zuzana (Libuse Safránková), who gave her scarf to Honza to wear around his neck for the races as a talisman is Honza's girlfriend. He met her when he came to her parent's home to repair the TV set. Honza declines an invitation to celebration with his friends. He goes off with Zuzana instead, but she refuses his intimate advances. The offended young man, who is about to serve his two years in the army, tries to blackmail her emotionally and the couple breaks up. Martin tries various schemes to bring them together again.
Как утопить доктора Мрачека
Creative Producer
Давно минули времена, когда на чешских реках было великое множество «водяных». Водичковы и Вассермановы представляют последние династии «водяных» в Чехии. Около спасательной станции у вышеградского тоннеля, где упал в Влтаву автобус с иностранными учёными, за проявленное мужество право быть первым получает водолаз Алоиз Водичка. Дом Водички к тому же был снесён при посредничестве Доктора Мрачека. Следовательно, решено доктора Мрачека утопить.
Poslední ples na rožnovské plovárně
Creative Producer
V každém pokoji žena
Creative Producer
People from the Subway
Three short stories. Prague finally sees the approval of the subway construction. Thousands of individuals took part in preparing, course and finalizing construction of subway and their lives crossed at certain points of this construction.
People from the Subway
Three short stories. Prague finally sees the approval of the subway construction. Thousands of individuals took part in preparing, course and finalizing construction of subway and their lives crossed at certain points of this construction.
Tři nevinní
Creative Producer
Jakou barvu má láska
Creative Producer
Cyril Dadák (Václav Postránecký), a TV reporter falls in love at first sight with a young engineer Milena (Jaroslava Obermaierová) while he makes a reportage in a chemical factory. Milena has been dating for several years with a test driver Pavel (Rudolf Jelínek), however when she meets Cyril she feels that he might be the Mr Right. She accepts Cyril's invitation for a date and she spends a night with him. In the morning she finds in her flat Pavel. She wants to explain to him everything but Pavel makes coffee with a smile and gives her back the keys from the flat.
Maturita za školou
Maturita za školou
Sunday Father
A divorced engineer is preparing "accidental" meeting between his eleven years daughter and his fiancé.
Svatej z Krejcárku
Svatej z Krejcárku
A Matter of Days
Капризное лето
Смешная история о трех друзьях, которые пытались ухаживать за девушкой приезжего фокусника.
The Nun's Night
A dark fable set in an early 1950s Czech village, a time of Soviet-style socialism which saw the implementation of collectivized agriculture and the mass closure of monasteries and convents.
When You Have a Holiday Dominique
Eight-year old Dominique has a name-day. Her parents have a gift for her, but only give it to her in the evening, when everybody has come home from work. Then she darts out, where her girlfriends are already waiting for her.
Slečny přijdou později
Short Story
Rhythm of First Love
Rhythm of First Love
Пять миллионов свидетелей
Следователи Суда и Коваль столкнулись с делом об убийстве, которое произошло буквально вживую. Во время премьеры оригинального телевизионного детектива «Дело трех убийц» драматурга Петра Тарантика, актера старшего поколения Фалтиса убивают током в студии на глазах у миллионов зрителей, всей съемочной группы и других исполнителей. Любой из многих присутствующих может оказаться преступником. Однако лишь у немногих был мотив. Например, архитектор Балабан, любовник жены Фалтиса, помощник режиссера Чиж, присматривавший за своей протеже Индржишкой, или актер Айм, убитого которого связывала сильная неприязнь...
Пражский блюз
В заснеженной зимней Праге встречаются два африканских студента. Он, Омар, только что проводил возвращающегося на родину земляка; она, Марьяма, сошла с трапа самолёта, чтобы поступить в медицинский институт в незнакомой стране. Омар берётся опекать девушку, рассказывая ей о прекрасной Праге, своих чешских друзьях, увлечении музыкой… Медленно, но верно товарищеские отношения между молодыми людьми превращаются совсем в иное чувство.
Пражский блюз
В заснеженной зимней Праге встречаются два африканских студента. Он, Омар, только что проводил возвращающегося на родину земляка; она, Марьяма, сошла с трапа самолёта, чтобы поступить в медицинский институт в незнакомой стране. Омар берётся опекать девушку, рассказывая ей о прекрасной Праге, своих чешских друзьях, увлечении музыкой… Медленно, но верно товарищеские отношения между молодыми людьми превращаются совсем в иное чувство.
Fortress on the Rhine
During the Second World War, an old fortress is transformed into a detention camp for arrested allied generals who the Germans provide with every possible comfort. In the nearby garrison camp, however, hundreds of captured private soldiers try to survive hunger and cold.
Fortress on the Rhine
During the Second World War, an old fortress is transformed into a detention camp for arrested allied generals who the Germans provide with every possible comfort. In the nearby garrison camp, however, hundreds of captured private soldiers try to survive hunger and cold.
Český koncert
Český koncert
Pět z milionu
Pět z milionu
Жижковский романс
Картина рассказывает о женщине, которая поставила свои материнские обязанности выше чувства любви. У героини есть ребенок, о существовании которого она не говорит любимому человеку. Когда же он узнает о ребенке, проявляя при этом малодушие и эгоизм, женщина решает с ним порвать.
Жижковский романс
Картина рассказывает о женщине, которая поставила свои материнские обязанности выше чувства любви. У героини есть ребенок, о существовании которого она не говорит любимому человеку. Когда же он узнает о ребенке, проявляя при этом малодушие и эгоизм, женщина решает с ним порвать.