Saeed Changizian


After a confusing interaction in downtown Tehran, a married couple seems to have found their doppelgängers.
An Iranian movie about Iran_Iraq war
الیور توئیست
An Iranian musical theater version of Oliver Twist story that released at 2021.
A movie directed by Yalda Jebeli
A Bigger Game
This movie is about a group game and there is some new persons in game that will make them pay.
Rona, Azim's Mother
Azim, an afghan refugee, who works at the municipality at night, lives in Tehran along with his family. Being the head of entire family, he has to choose between his own life and his mother’s whom he has always claimed as the most important one in his life.
Gilda, who owns Sepid restaurant, is living the worst night of her life. she must save herself before tomorrow morning...
Sara and Ayda
Sarah and Ayda are two close friends, one of whom was notorious and now they must work together to bring their conditions to normal, but they stand to where for their friendship?
Sound and Fury
Khosro, a pop singer, lives a hectic life with his wife Tina and their son Moez. His life is further complicated when he begins a love affair with a female fan. A terrible event ensues obliging the lovers to each recount their side of the story in pursuit of the truth.
Shallow Yellow Sky
Ghazal suffers her parent's recent death. She was in the car when the accident happened. Now her fiance is the only one left for her, but he can't trust Ghazal's mental health.
Простой прием
Зрители любой страны усвоили прочно, что благими намерениями дорога вымощена в ад. Хагиги снимает роуд-муви на другой сюжет. Его занимает сверхважная и не затертая мысль о том, что благотворительность не так проста, как кажется. Причем в равной степени для дарителей и получателей даров. Речь в его фильме идет о сложнейшем, — поданном, впрочем, с режиссерской тонкостью, прямотой и смелостью — механизме обмена. Не столько экономического обмена — с учетом правил благотворительности. Но в смысле обмена («в контакте») между людьми разных сословий и достатка, потребовавшего испытания каждого из персонажей на их достоинство, выбор, человечность, честность etc.