Michael Cherrie


Ширли в президенты!
Conrad Chisholm
Ширли Чисхолм — первая темнокожая женщина в Конгрессе США — становится первой в истории женщиной, претендующей на президентскую номинацию от Демократической партии.
Она — рай
17-летняя Спаркл видит группу танцовщиц на шумных улицах центра Тринидада. Она убеждает их взять ее в свою команду. Сначала жизнь Спаркл превращается в бесконечную вечеринку, но постепенно все выходит из-под контроля.
Sonia arrives in Trinidad with her two children to join her husband Jo who is working as an oil engineer. On the surface she lives a life of luxury in a large houses with servants. The days are uneventful and blend together into an everlasting holiday, where the women nurse their superficial relationships over cocktails poolside – the perfect climate for self-delusion.
Father Divine
Narrated by the character Mari (SistaGod herself), this film chronicles her transition from a girl who cheats death to a harbinger of death itself. Born to a white American soldier and a black Trinidadian woman, she is exposed to death at an early age, being conceived and growing up near a cemetery, and miraculously surviving after accidentally ingesting poison. At age eighteen, she dreams a premonition of the future, after which she realizes that she is the "Messiah". Her presence on Earth will herald an event known as the "Apocalypso" - the end of humanity.
The Final Passage
In 1958, a Caribbean couple make the journey to a new life by moving to England.