Tony Becker

Tony Becker

Рождение : 1963-09-14, Los Angeles, California, USA


Born in Los Angeles, California in 1963, Tony Becker is the son of Pasadena Playhouse alumni Kenneth Becker and Patti Kane . Tony's dad had the first on-screen fight with Elvis Presley in Loving You (1957) and his mom was Sandra Dee's best friend in the original Gidget (1959) . Becker's first TV role as Mark Hamill's little brother on Mary Tyler Moore Production's "The Texas Wheelers" was the beginning of a long list of recurring roles on "Little House on the Prairie," The Waltons," "The Oregon Trail" and others. As an adult, Tony has appeared as a principal actor in the TV series "For Love an Honor" and "Tour of Duty" and guest-starred in several series and Movies of the Week. Tony's love of the outdoors has also put him behind the camera as a producer, writer, and director of a travel and adventure series.


Tony Becker


Oliver Sheribow
Бывший вояка-ветеран Сэйнт устраивается на работу в полицию. Заинтересовавшись делами, связанными с частыми случаями исчезновений людей в округе, он инициирует собственное расследование. Начальство однако резко осуждает чрезмерное любопытство нового сотрудника, и вскоре шеф полиции Бернард настоятельно советует Сэйнту заниматься прямыми обязанностями и не совать нос не в своё дело. Дальнейшие изыскания приводят Сэйнта к форту Гобен — участку леса в 20 милях от города, где некогда располагалась военная база. Её заброшенные строения со временем превратились в место для бандитских сходок и тусовок разнообразного сброда, но форт хранит и куда более мрачные секреты.
Owen Fremont
A blazing fire rips its way through Bear Valley National Park. As the firefighters try to contain it, the animals are being forced out of their habitat including a beast that was better left undiscovered.
Ghost Town: The Movie
Deputy Tuck
An 1800’s western set in the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. It’s a story of love, hate, revenge, honor. It showcases the most famous villains of all time from John Boorman’s “Deliverance” filmed in 1972. Voted number one movie villains of all time in “Maxim Magazine”, 2005, Bill McKinney and Herbert “Cowboy” Coward scared audiences with their mountain man delivery that struck fear in millions of movie goers. They were reunited in this film after 37 years.
Универсальный агент
Lt. Jack Colson
В конце 50-х из секретной лаборатории на одной из военных баз США бесследно исчезли капсулы со смертельно опасным биологическим оружием. Прошло более 40 лет и, наконец, Россия решила вернуть пропажу владельцам для уничтожения. Операция является настолько секретной, а груз настолько опасным, что стороны договорились для транспортировки использовать американскую атомную подводную лодку. Однако, несмотря на все меры безопасности, секретная информация попадает к террористической группировке, в которую входят бывшие сотрудники КГБ. Террористы решают захватить смертоносный груз для того, чтобы одновременно нанести удар и по России, и по Америке. Мир опять может оказаться на грани глобального конфликта. Капитану спецподразделения армии США Мэтту Хендриксу поручают сопровождать опасный груз. В силах ли один человек предотвратить мировую катастрофу?...
A Walton Easter
In 1969, John-Boy is a TV news anchorperson in New York and he is in the throes of writing a new book. He and a very pregnant Janet are making plans to return to Walton's Mountain for the celebration of John and Olivia's 40th wedding anniversary. Accompanying them to see the place John-Boy lived as a child is Aurora, a Time magazine photographer, who is doing a story on John-Boy. Meanwhile, Elizabeth arrives back from her travels and announces to Drew, who is still working at the mill with Ben, that she is back to stay. She is very upset to find that Drew did not wait for her, and that he has a new girlfriend. Also, problems arise for John-Boy and Janet because the longer John-Boy stays on the mountain, the more he becomes convinced that he would like to settle down there, raise his family, and continue with his writing whereas Janet wants to stay in New York.
A Walton Wedding
In 1964, John-Boy Walton is planning his wedding to Janet Gilchrist, the editor of a New York fashion magazine and the daughter of a diplomat. The two of them plan a small wedding and he invites the family and friends from Walton's Mountain to come to New York for the celebration. However, Janet's Aunt Flo has other ideas and begins to take over their wedding preparations. Added to the wedding plan stress, John-Boy is also trying to write an article about his Grandma, but decides that he needs to go home to escape the wedding preparations, as well as to reunite with his grandmother and fill in some gaps leaving Janet in New York trying to prevent her wedding from getting out of hand. But she too leaves the city and heads for Walton's Mountain to plan their wedding there.
Escape from Terror: The Teresa Stamper Story
Chris Butler
True story of an abusive husband's obsession with his wife and daughter.
A Walton Thanksgiving Reunion
The fourth Waltons reunion TV movie is set in the 1960s , with John-Boy still living in New York, trying to persuade his fiancée to marry him. Meanwhile, Ben and Cindy's daughter Virginia has died, and Cindy is finding life very lonely without her. She tells Ben that she would dearly love to adopt another baby, but Ben feels that it is not a good idea. Ben argues with his father about buying a new truck for their lumber company, but John keeps insisting that they can't afford it. Elsewhere, Erin now has three children and is separated from Paul. Her decision to start seeing another man causes some indignation among the other Walton family members. Ike and Corabeth become grandparents when Aimee has a daughter, while Elizabeth returns from Europe and reunites with Drew, her old beau.
The Alamo: Thirteen Days to Glory
George Taylor
Against orders and with no help of relief Texas patriots led by William Travis, Jim Bowie, and Davy Crockett defend the Alamo against overwhelming Mexican forces.
Mother's Day on Waltons Mountain
Mary Ellen marries Jonesy but they don't exactly have a good start.
A Wedding on Waltons Mountain
Drew Cutler
Erin Walton is considering marrying her boyfriend Paul but her old boyfriend Ashley, who left for the war and married someone else, lived through his wife's death and would like to get Erin back, but Paul is not going to give her up so easily. Also Mary Ellen's boyfriend Jonesy who's a veterinarian is trying to establish a practice but everybody doesn't think he is competent. And Ben who has been minding the lumber business while their father's with their ailing mother in Arizona is having some problems and everybody's worried that he's digging himself a hole that he might not get out of.
The Ghosts of Buxley Hall
Ghosts and a young cadet try to save a military academy from being closed.
На пути к славе
Tough Boy on Train
Биография Вуди Гатри, одного из самых великих фолк-музыкантов Америки. Он оставил свой родной опустошенный Техас в 1930-х, чтобы найти работу, и открыл для себя страдания и силу рабочего класса Америки.
Другая сторона горы
Jerry Kinmont
Невероятно трогательная правдивая история о том, как начать жить заново, лишившись всего, включая власть над собственным телом, с участием Бо Бриджеса и Мэрилин Хэсет . Талантливая, многообещающая лыжница Джилл Кинмонт могла одолеть любую гору и самый крутой склон. У нее был успех, поклонники, жених и многообещающая спортивная карьера. Пока однажды трагический случай накануне Олимпийских игр круто не изменил ее жизнь...