Zachary Mortensen


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История разворачивается в недалеком будущем. Герой фильма используя новейшую технологию дополнительной реальности заводит роман с девушкой… своего лучшего друга.
The Unity of All Things
The adolescent sons of an expatriated Chinese physicist visit her in the United States, while she and her colleagues pursue the development of a massive particle collider with which to understand the origin of the Universe. A queer Science Fiction, that engages the utopian impulses of the genre, not through the imagining of another world, but through the rendering of this world as Other. All subjects are treated as alien, or as radical others, who search for, or advance different ideological, psychological, or sexual ideals of belonging. Subjects oscillate between the contemplation of past societal traumas and idealizations of futurity that refuse to synthesize or resolve, but instead reveal a troubling satire of the present.
First Winter
When winter begins, life is serene for a group of new-age Brooklynites living in a remote country farmhouse. Sex, drugs, yoga, and organic cooking absorb their days, safely tucked away from the stresses of urban life. But when a blackout of apocalyptic proportions strands them with no heat and no electricity during the coldest winter on record, their utopian commune is breached by anxiety and their idyllic harmony begins to lose its tune. As time wears on and the food supply dwindles, power struggles, jealousy, and desire threaten the group's ability to work together in order to survive.
Executive Producer
Фильм связывает реальные исчезновения пяти детей из Стейтен-Айленда с мифом о Бугимене из штата Нью-Йорк, известным как «Кропси». Он подарит вам путешествие в темные пространства между реальностью и вымыслом и расскажет о реальных трагедиях, которые прикрыты ширмой мистических историй.
Против течения
Co-Executive Producer
Пол Томпсон уже 5 лет не может смириться с потерей любимой жены и в конце концов решает осуществить мечту всей своей жизни — проплыть реку Гудзон. Только не поперек, а вдоль. В компании друзей он начинает свой провокационный заплыв, который вскоре покажет не только границы его физических возможностей, но и пределы дружбы и права распоряжаться своей собственной судьбой.
Choking Man
The social anxiety of a morbidly shy Ecuadorian dishwasher working in a Queens diner provides the psychological engine that powers this blend of drama and magical realism.
Stoked: The Rise and Fall of Gator
Associate Producer
A documentary exploring the rise and fall of 80s skateboard legend Mark "Gator" Rogowski.
Phileine Says Sorry
Line Producer
Gorgeous Dutch youngster Max has two passions, acting and girls. The first becomes his brilliant career, which takes off so well he gets invited to a prestigious New York theatre course for a year. But since he met fickle bitch Phileine in an Utrecht park, his flirting life is cut short while she cruelly plays with his feelings rather then his horny body. After refusing to follow him, she turns up uninvited later and still acts jealous and possessive. Grief follows for everyone, working up to a convoluted finale.
Breath Control: The History of the Human Beat Box
The human beat box is one of the key elements in the development of Hip Hop culture, alongside Dj-ing, Graffiti, Breakdancing, and MC-ing. Unfortunately, its contribution has been largely overlooked, as has the fun, expressive, human, and spontaneous dimension of Hip Hop that it represents. Over 30 practitioners of this art form discuss their techniques and the evolution of their craft, through interviews, live performances, archival footage, and animation.
Line Producer
A newly married couple tries to enhance their social life by throwing fabulous parties and inviting all their friends in Brooklyn to their home.
Hell House
A look at the "Hell House" performed annually in October by the youth members of Trinity Church (Assemblies of God) in Cedar Hill, Texas (a Dallas suburb) — seen by over 10,000 visitors each year.
A Love Letter For You
Executive Producer
Graffiti legend Steve ESPO Powers paints 50 murals along the rooftops of the Market train line in West Philly. This film documents ESPO's process, inspired by the people and community in his old stomping grounds.