Seppo Kolehmainen
Рождение : 1933-01-18, Pielavesi, Finland
Смерть : 2009-02-23
Kamreeri Kalenius
Pekko has a crush on Pipsa, a beautiful archeologist.
The colonel's wife's tin pints need to be cleaned up, and Sergeant First Class Körmy tasks two privates to do so.
Opettaja Vainio
Ilona, a young elementary school teacher, arrives in Hämäläiskylä . He and Aarne, the host of Niskavuori, who is frustrated with his marriage, fall in love. The relationship becomes a public secret. Aarne's wife Martta, who owns half of Niskavuori, wants to hold on to her husband until the last. For Liskisa, the matriarch of Niskavuori, the most important thing is the reputation and honor of the family.
museon opas
Agent 000 gets involved in high-octane action in this Finnish James Bond parody.
Sotilasvirkailija, tulkki
Set during the Second World War in the Finnish war zone.
henkilökunnan päällikkö
Комиссар Палму наслаждается загородной жизнью на пенсии, опекаемый молодой женой. Вирта делает карьеру в МВД, а Кокки обзавёлся ресторанным бизнесом. Случайная встреча старых товарищей в аэропорту, где таможня прихватила Палму за контрабанду водки из Москвы, оказалась отправным пунктом для событий, в которых замешана большая политика, экономические интересы, женщины и масс-медиа. Вскоре после этого происходит убийство известного тележурналиста, многим перешедшего дорогу. Телекомпания решает произвести собственное расследование и обращается за помощью к комиссару Палму, у которого появляется возможность отвлечься от загородной идиллии и показать, что есть ещё порох в пороховницах.
Täällä Pohjantähden alla is based on the book with the same title. It is a story of the little village. The movie starts in the 1890's and it ends to the Finnish civil war in 1918. Story concentrates around a tenant farmer family, although it gives us a good look at the society at whole. While the class struggle depends, people of the village are driven to bloody civil war.
Klaus Grahn is a young student frustrated with his life. In an attempt to break free from his unfulfilling life he tries to commit the perfect crime and forges a large check. Quickly he runs out of money and the police identifies him as the criminal, and so he boards a train to Tampere where he robs a taxi and shoots the driver. He returns to Helsinki and manages to avoid the police, but his friends and family try to persuade him into giving himself up. Klaus is angered by this, and he flees, plagued by paranoid thoughts until he decides to confront his friends for the last time - this time with a gun.
Finnish period comedy set to the times of WW I. Based on a play by Maria Jotuni.
Laila and Lasse are two teenagers dreaming about careers as singers. (In real life, the actors were already the hottest numbers of the Finnish pop scene). Lasse's brother Rami dreams about motorbike racing (the actor later died in a car crash) and dates a pretty blond Anjukka. Her father works in the hot new field of TV advertising, which might be a good route to stardom for Laila and Lasse. But then Anjukka sets her eyes on Lasse and Rami sets his on Laila, and many a popular hit melody is sung in between.
Gustaf Kukkola
A Finnish military farce about an elderly man who is commanded back to service.