Ben Jacoby


Жизнь казалась идеальной — новый дом, новый брак, скоро родится ребенок. Но когда Сара и Мэтт пригласили своих друзей к себе на праздник, ситуация оказалась смертельной: к ним в дом входит призрак, сгоревший на охоте..
Flash Boys
About a group of Wall Street guys who grew frustrated by a loophole that gave traders the opportunity to game the stock market. They banded together to reform the financial markets by creating an exchange that rendered impotent the act of high-frequency trading, a growing form of trading that gave insiders an advantage.
On November 22, 1963 CBS newsman Walter Cronkite is given the task of reporting on live television about President John F. Kennedy's assassination in Texas.