Toyohiko Kuribayashi


A Dedicated Life
Sound Recordist
A profile of the controversial novelist Mitsuharu Inoue, filmed during the last years of his life.
Голая армия императора идет вперед
Кендзо Окудзаки имеет три судимости, из которых одну он получил за убийство, а две других за оскорбительные действия в отношении императора. Для японского общества Кендзо экстремист. Однако, не всё так просто. Окудзаки ветеран и на протяжении долгого времени он пытается добиться справедливости в отношении двух солдат Японской армии, которых казнили офицеры, хотя формально война была завершена вот уже несколько дней. Именно этому расследованию и посвящён фильм радикального японского документалиста Кацуо Хара. На протяжении всего фильма, Окудзаки ходит от одного своего бывшего сослуживца к другому и пытается узнать, что же на самом деле произошло в тот роковой 1945 год. И постепенно Окудзаки узнаёт такую правду, от которой стынет кровь в жилах.
Akiko: Portrait of a Dancer
“I have three tasks in my life: to dance, to teach dance, and to create dance,” says the pioneering Japanese performer Akiko Kanda in this intimate portrait of creativity and individuality, After seeing a Martha Graham performance in college, Kanda left her family behind in Japan and arrived in New York City, where she studied under the legendary Graham and became a principal dancer with the troupe. Following the wiry artist as she moves from practice floor to performance hall, and from the cramped single-room apartment she lives in to a trip home to see her aging mother, director Sumiko Haneda reveals a woman who has rebelled against traditional ideals of marriage and motherhood, and who nearly single-handedly brought modern dance to Japan-and kept it alive. “When I die,” Kanda tells the director, “I will be content if I can just say, ‘I danced.'”
Dokkoi! Songs from the Bottom
Sound Assistant
After the waning of the protests in Sanrizuka, Ogawa Pro started questioning the future of the collective and looking for other subjects to film. Following the method developed in the previous films, the filmmakers moved to the slum of Kotobuchi in the port city of Yokohama, where more than 6000 people were struggling to get by without any means of survival, exposed to industrial accidents and diseases. The result is one of the most moving films produced by the collective, a series of beautifully filmed portraits, voicing the silenced stories and songs of a group of people living in this community. Credit: ICA London