Jaanus Vahtra


Totally Boss
Costume Design
13-year-old Oliver and Sass make a nose-shaped glasses holder in shop class, which at-tracts the interest of a mysterious major investor. At the same time, Oliver’s recently laid off father is struggling to find a new job. The boys are too young to run their business themselves so Oliver hatches a plan to kill two birds with one stone: they hire Oliver’s dad to run their business, also saving his parents’ rocky marriage! The trick is that Oliver’s father doesn’t know that he works for his son and son’s friend Sass. A fast-paced duplicitous game unfolds and starts to escalate when the boys find out what their mysterious investor is really up to.
The Sleeping Beast
Costume Design
A gang of five children spend their summer in an abandoned factory complex. When they are forbidden to go there by the factory owner for safety reasons, the children decide to ignore the ban. This decision changes their lives forever and the friends face a grim confrontation.
Купе номер 6
Costume Designer
Конец 90-х. Финская студентка Лора путешествует из Москвы в Мурманск, чтобы увидеть древние наскальные рисунки. Ее единственный сосед по купе — шахтёр по имени Леха, мрачный нелюдимый тип. Долгая дорога сквозь снега сближает их. Долгая железная дорога. Но у Лехи и Лоры есть ещё кое-что общее, помимо купе, которое они вынужденно делят: оба чувствуют себя чужими в этом мире.
Costume Designer
Лапландия, тундра, небольшая шахтёрская деревушка. Пространство среди разваливающихся бытовок и трейлеров наполняется взаимной ненавистью шахтёров и оленеводов. Молодой шахтёр Рупи, потерявший связь со своими родителями, влюблён в жену друга, на которую положил глаз хозяин шахты. Столкновение между мужчинами становится неизбежным.
The Riddle of Jaan Niemand
Costume Design
After ten years of war, plague and famine, the land is swept clean of people. The few remaining souls are scattered about, living in misery and lacking hope. An anxious silence hangs over the land. On one particularly starry night, two peasants find a stranger on the seashore.
Costume Design
Действие происходит в языческом эстонском селе, где водятся оборотни, ведьмы и появились странные существа. Молоденькая крестьянская девушка Лийна безнадёжно влюблена в сельского парня Ханса. Ему же нравится прекрасная барышня из поместья.
Free Range
Costume Designer
After being fired from his job at a newspaper for writing a destructive review of a celebrated movie, Fred, an aspiring writer, learns that his girlfriend is pregnant.
The Idiot
Costume Design
A story of a naive man, whose direct behavior stirs in people moral unrest, rage and embarrassment over their own pettiness, making them yearn for goodness. Based on the book by F. Dostojevski.
Осенний бал
Assistant Costume Designer
Насколько близким один человек может стать для другого? Можно ли прожить жизнь без любви? Может ли тот, кто однажды узнал, насколько хрупким может быть счастье, поверить другому когда-нибудь снова? «Осенний бал» — это несколько моментов из жизни шести людей, живущих в огромных панельных домах, построенных на закате советской эры.
Agent Wild Duck
Costume Design
Hans Wild Duck Gens, an old school industrial spy becomes suicidally jealous when the firm brings in a German performance artist who becomes not only the top agent, but also replaces him in his girlfriend Monika's affections.
Costume Design
The film delicately follows 25-year-old Anna, whose mother has died suddenly. She wants to send her Orthodox mother on her last journey according to customs, but she runs into bureaucratic rules that do not allow Anna to dress her departed mother herself. This conflict brings her together with Maria, a 45-year-old funeral home worker, who in this story represents the hidden fears of death and grief on a deep emotional level.
The Invisible Fight
Costume Design
A guard on the Soviet-Chinese border who, after surviving a deadly attack, decides to become a monk but must continually prove along the way that he's capable of becoming the enlightened man he set out to be.
Costume Design
In a world in which no one speaks, a devout female-led community hunts down a young woman, Azrael, who has escaped her imprisonment. Recaptured by its ruthless leaders, Azrael is due to be sacrificed to pacify an ancient evil deep within the surrounding wilderness – but she has other ideas.