Jaagup Roomet


Production Design
Действие фильма начинается в конце августа 1939 года, накануне начала Второй мировой войны. Высокопоставленный офицер эстонской разведки становится жертвой таинственного убийства. Главному герою, Феликсу Кангуру, предстоит найти предателя и раскрыть тайну советско-германского договора, который может решить судьбу Эстонии.
Set Designer
Year 1915. Helene Schjerfbeck lives as a forgotten artist with her elderly mother in the countryside. It has been years since the last exhibit, and Helene continues to paint only because of her passion. Everything changes when art dealer finds Helen and her 159 wonderful paintings - and wants to organize a big private exhibit. However, Helen's turning point comes only when she is introduced to Einar Reuter. Young Einar is a forester, art enthusiast, and a passionate admirer of Helene's work. He becomes Helen's trusted and lover.
Рай Марии
Production Design
История проповедницы Марии Окерблум, совершившей несколько жестоких преступлений в Финляндии. Она была заключена под стражу, но сбежала из тюрьмы и воссоединилась с последователями своего учения. В этот момент ей был брошен вызов со стороны самых юных участниц секты.
Правда и справедливость
Art Direction
Эстония, 1870-й год. Фермер вместе с женой приобретает за бесценок участок заболоченной земли. Мужчина надеется, что сможет выращивать в здешних краях хороший урожай, тем самым обогатившись. Но к его огорчению, земля оказывается истощенной и на ней ничего не всходит. Не найдя помощи у людей, фермер решает искать справедливости у Бога.
The Little Comrade
Production Design
In the midst of Stalinist tyranny, six-year-old Leelo's mother is sent to a prison camp. Haunted by her mother's last words telling her to be a good kid, Leelo vows to be on her best behaviour in the confusing grown-up world in the hope that it will bring her mother back.
Production Design
Действие происходит в языческом эстонском селе, где водятся оборотни, ведьмы и появились странные существа. Молоденькая крестьянская девушка Лийна безнадёжно влюблена в сельского парня Ханса. Ему же нравится прекрасная барышня из поместья.
The Polar Boy
Art Direction
Mattias has a dream to become a photography student of the Berlin Arts Academy. On the journey of following his calling, his dream is constantly put to a test after Mattias falls in love with a beautiful free spirit Hanna. Trying to win her heart, Mattias feels the need to prove Hanna, that he can be just as adventurous and unpredictable as she is. Breaking the law together with Hanna, Mattias risks everything dear to him, not knowing yet, that Hanna's bold acts are only the symptoms of bipolar disorder. In the moment of jelousy Mattias accidentally commits a crime that could put him behind bars for years. The only escape he sees is to get himself declared irresponsible. In order to achieve that Mattias decides to start faking the illness her gilfriend really has - bipolarity.
Production Design
Фильм основан на фактах биографии легендарного эстонского фехтовальщика и тренера Энделя Нелиса (1925-1993). Спасаясь от НКВД, молодой эстонский фехтовальщик, призванный в свое время немцами в армию, бежит на родину в крошечный Хаапсалу, где начинает обучение школьников искусству фехтования. Однако прошлое настигает его, и Эндель встает перед выбором: остаться с учениками, добившимися права выступать на соревнованиях в Ленинграде, или снова отправляться в бега.
Love Is Blind
Art Direction
30-year old Kertu has lived under her father's power her whole life. Because of her gentle nature, she is thought by locals to be a little simple-minded. The young woman makes her first timid attempt to change something in her life - she send a postcard to Villu, a handsome but degenerate village drunk.
Free Range
Production Design
After being fired from his job at a newspaper for writing a destructive review of a celebrated movie, Fred, an aspiring writer, learns that his girlfriend is pregnant.
A Lady in Paris
Art Direction
Anne leaves Estonia to come to Paris as a caretaker for Frida, an elderly Estonian lady who emigrated to France long ago. Anne soon realizes that she is not wanted. All Frida wants from life is the attention of Stéphane, her younger former lover. Stéphane, however, is desperate for Anne to stay and look after Frida, even against the old lady's will. In this conflict of strangers, Anne will find her own way…
Rat King
Set Decoration
18 year old Juri is seriously addicted to online gaming, so much so he becomes isolated from his single mother and pushes his girlfriend to the brink of leaving him. He decides to quit, but is soon lured back by one of his net-mates, Niki, who - when they meet for the first time - turns out to look strikingly like Juri. Niki has a web-address tattooed on his arm and when Juri types it into his computer, he gets drawn into a curious game that grants him the username RAT KING. As the game becomes increasingly dangerous, Niki vows to help Juri get through it. But the game triggers a series of life-threatening events and pretty soon Juri realizes that he is gaming for his life.
The Idiot
Art Direction
A story of a naive man, whose direct behavior stirs in people moral unrest, rage and embarrassment over their own pettiness, making them yearn for goodness. Based on the book by F. Dostojevski.
Искушение святого Тыну
Set Designer
В поисках ответов на риторические вопросы Тони блуждает по жизни. Кто хороший человек, а кто плохой? Что такое мораль и этика?
Art Direction
Tom, a wide-eyed, innocent sixteen year-old, finds himself an unwitting accomplice in a deadly game of vengeance and death when he befriends Artur - a Chechen man, hell bent on revenging the torture and murder of his family - on the streets of Tallinn.
Я был здесь
Set Designer
У Расси — 17-летнего ученика элитной школы, живущего отдельно от родителей — есть несколько заветных мечтаний. Мечта о семье, любви и… впрочем, для того чтобы подзаработать, он соглашается продавать наркотики. Это втягивает его в круговерть событий, которую он уже не в силах контролировать
Black Peter
Art Direction
Peter and his wife have dinner with friends in a restaurant. They have not quarreled for two weeks already. A new record could be in the making. But a trivial argument soon grows into a quarrel and the night brings weird games into their relationship.
Mat the Cat
Assistant Art Director
10-year-old Martin meets a cat, who turns into a boy and helps Martin solve his problems which occurred after he changed school.
The Invisible Fight
Art Direction
A guard on the Soviet-Chinese border who, after surviving a deadly attack, decides to become a monk but must continually prove along the way that he's capable of becoming the enlightened man he set out to be.