Grete Lill


Правда и справедливость
Makeup Artist
Эстония, 1870-й год. Фермер вместе с женой приобретает за бесценок участок заболоченной земли. Мужчина надеется, что сможет выращивать в здешних краях хороший урожай, тем самым обогатившись. Но к его огорчению, земля оказывается истощенной и на ней ничего не всходит. Не найдя помощи у людей, фермер решает искать справедливости у Бога.
Class Reunion 3: Godfathers
Makeup Artist
The final film in the trilogy takes us on another wild ridewhich will stop at nothing and will leave no time to feel shame. The three best friends –Mart, Andres and Toomas, are back! And as always, they offer genius solutions to both their personal problems, as well as the audience’s spare time.
The Little Comrade
Makeup Artist
In the midst of Stalinist tyranny, six-year-old Leelo's mother is sent to a prison camp. Haunted by her mother's last words telling her to be a good kid, Leelo vows to be on her best behaviour in the confusing grown-up world in the hope that it will bring her mother back.
Class Reunion 2: A Wedding and a Funeral
Makeup Designer
Class Reunion 2: A Wedding and a Funeral sees the return of the three high-school friends Mart, Andres and Toomas. This time they are planning a memorable stag party for Toomas, but due to unexpected turn of events end up at a funeral instead. It has been a year since the unforgettable class reunion and our three friends have all reached new stages in their lives. The rock star Toomas (Genka) has finally decided to get married. Mart (Mait Malmsten) is having troubles with his wife. And Andres (Ago Anderson) has declared war on the female sex and decided to become a resolute bachelor.
The Spy And The Poet
Makeup Artist
Lonely secret service officer Gustav meets a mysterious gypsy woman. It soon comes clear that it is a trap set by the Russian intelligence. Gustav is ordered to continue the relationship to get a better understanding of the enemy's plans. Unfortunately, Gustav finds himself struggling with the task, as he is falling in love with the enemy. Is there a way out of this situation?
The Polar Boy
Makeup Artist
Mattias has a dream to become a photography student of the Berlin Arts Academy. On the journey of following his calling, his dream is constantly put to a test after Mattias falls in love with a beautiful free spirit Hanna. Trying to win her heart, Mattias feels the need to prove Hanna, that he can be just as adventurous and unpredictable as she is. Breaking the law together with Hanna, Mattias risks everything dear to him, not knowing yet, that Hanna's bold acts are only the symptoms of bipolar disorder. In the moment of jelousy Mattias accidentally commits a crime that could put him behind bars for years. The only escape he sees is to get himself declared irresponsible. In order to achieve that Mattias decides to start faking the illness her gilfriend really has - bipolarity.
Makeup Artist
Фильм основан на фактах биографии легендарного эстонского фехтовальщика и тренера Энделя Нелиса (1925-1993). Спасаясь от НКВД, молодой эстонский фехтовальщик, призванный в свое время немцами в армию, бежит на родину в крошечный Хаапсалу, где начинает обучение школьников искусству фехтования. Однако прошлое настигает его, и Эндель встает перед выбором: остаться с учениками, добившимися права выступать на соревнованиях в Ленинграде, или снова отправляться в бега.