Celeste Yarnall

Celeste Yarnall

Рождение : 1944-07-26, Long Beach, California, USA

Смерть : 2018-10-07


Celeste Jeanne Yarnall (July 26, 1944 – October 7, 2018) was an American actress. She was an amazing woman of many talents who has been very successful in a diverse number of fields. There appears to be nothing she cannot do when she puts her mind to it. Apart from her initial career as model, spokesperson and actress, Celeste has also managed several talented screenwriters, segued into the commercial real estate business, become a championship Tonkinese cat breeder, run her own successful company, hosted a radio show, produced a "How to" video and regularly appears as a speaker/lecturer. At a time when many people would be thinking of an easier life, Celeste studied for and received her Ph. D in nutrition in 1998 and now serves as adjunct professor of nutrition at the Pacific Western University. In addition, Celeste has written two best selling books: 'Natural Cat Care: A Complete Guide to Holistic Care for Cats', and 'Natural Dog Care: A Complete Guide to Holistic Care for Dogs'. As a model and actress, Celeste was renowned for her beauty and very becoming figure, being named the Foreign Press' Most Photogenic Beauty of the Year at the Cannes Film Festival in 1968. She was also the National Association of Theater Owners Most Promising New Star of 1968. Celeste is currently featured as Miss April in Cedco Publishing's popular wall calendar for 2002. The April 2002 issue of 'Femme Fatale' magazine also features a detailed article about Celeste. For Elvis Presley fans, Celeste is remembered as "Ellen", the beautiful young woman Elvis romanced with the song, "A Little Less Conversation", in the film, Live a Little, Love a Little (1968). As Elvis fans know, the track was recently re-mixed by progressive music producer/DJ, Junkie XL, and is currently topping charts around the world. As one of the "swinging chicks of the 1960s", Celeste was not only interviewed by Thomas Lisanti for his fascinating book, "Fantasy Femmes of Sixties Cinema (Interviews with Twenty Actresses from Biker, Beach and Elvis Movies)", but an eye-catching photograph of her was also used for the front cover. Celeste lives and bases her health care practice for cats and dogs in Los Angeles and lives in her new home in Westlake Village.


Celeste Yarnall
Celeste Yarnall
Celeste Yarnall
Celeste Yarnall


The crazy exploits of four off-beat astronauts who travel to the Moon on a rescue mission to determine the fate of two Space Agency comrades who have not been heard from in several days.
The Seven Ages of Elvis
Documentary about the life and career of Elvis Presley produced for Sky Arts. Includes rarely seen clips and photos from throughout Elvis' career as well as comments from music historians and musicians, songwriters, producers, actors, etc. who worked with him. Narrated by producer/director David Upshal.
The Green Girl
A feature-length documentary about Star Trek's iconic original Green Girl, Susan Oliver: Prolific actress of the '50s - '80s, original member of the American Film Institute's Directing Workshop for Women, record-setting female aviator; Tragically taken by cancer in 1990. With over 120 major acting credits in film and television, Susan Oliver was literally a household name in the 1960's. She set a number of world records as a pilot and was one of the only women directing major TV shows in the 1980's. And yet many people don't even remember her name today. It's time to remember Susan Oliver...
A documentary featuring interviews with 100 influential women from around the world.
Elvis Found Alive
Self (archive footage)
In this mockumentary spoof of Elvis theories, Elvis has been FOUND ALIVE! After visiting Graceland, a Freedom of Information Act request is made for US government files on Elvis Presley. Incredibly, documents arrived from the FBI revealing an address for Federal Agent "Jon Burrows," Elvis' 1970's alias, in Simi Valley, California.
Девки с мачете на свободе!
В середине 80-х многие американские производители кино категории Б, ввиду дефецита средств на производство своих картин, освоили привычку ездить на Филиппины и снимать свои ленты (women-in-prison, warsploitation, junglesploitation и пр.) именно там — это было дешевле и выгоднее почти во всех смыслах.
Skinwalker: Curse of the Shaman
Gwynn Stevens
Horror - When college students Brooke and A.J. set out to make a documentary on six missing kids, rumored to be the victims of a deadly curse, they have no idea of the danger they're walking into. While digging for answers, Brooke and A.J. stir the emotions of the mysterious locals and uncover a world of dark secrets and unspeakable evil.
Shrink Rap
The lives of a glamorous power couple are turned upside down when the bartender for their anniversary party turns out to be a student therapist who won't go home...until he helps them and becomes the next Dr. Phil!
Midnight Kiss
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Уроки любви
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Смертельная красотка
Рита — полицейский, сотрудница отдела по борьбе с наркотиками. Мужественная женщина, практически в одиночку, выслеживает крупную банду наркодельцов, распространяющих смертельный наркотик, носящий название «Роковая красотка»…
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Развод по-американски
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The Velvet Vampire
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Beast of Blood
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A mad scientist creates a monster, but after its head is cut off, he keeps it alive in a serum he has invented.
In Name Only
In this romantic comedy, an unwed couple who run a wedding planning business discover, to their horror, that the Justice of the Peace who had officiated their first three weddings was only an actor. Hilarity ensues as they set about trying to get these marrieds married...again.
Боб и Кэрол, Тед и Элис
Боб и Кэрол Сандерз — весьма необычная супружеская пара из Калифорнии, которые любят групповое мышление без комплексов. Желая разнообразить свою половую жизнь, они решают совершить сексуальный эксперимент, вступив для этого в интимную связь с другой парой. Тед и Элис Хендерсон — более традиционная пара, которая всегда с интересом выслушивает истории о провокационном поведении их лучших друзей Боба и Кэрол, до тех пор, пока не решают пригласить их в свою постель.
Немного жизни, немного любви
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Adventurer and treasure hunter Mike Yates is hoping to find a cache of Incan treasure lost in the Amazon jungle. While looking for his missing partner, he stumbles across a beautiful jungle girl named Eve. Later on, he comes across Eve's grandfather, who is being swindled by a man and a young woman who is pretending to be his granddaughter Eve. Will Yates be able to expose the swindle, beat the swindlers to the lost treasure (with the help of the real Eve), and reunite Eve with her grandfather before the final credits roll?
Вокруг света под водой
Спокойствие нашей планеты часто нарушают внезапные разрушительные землетрясения. Атомная подводная лодка «Hydronaut» отправляется в плавание с целью установления предупредительных приборов на дне океана. Дуг Стэндиш и Крейг Мосби, сконструировавшие лодку, становятся во главе экспедиции. Рутинный, хотя и опасный вояж внезапно прерывается приказом с земли. Им необходимо поставить сенсорный датчик возле недавно обнаруженного подводного вулкана. Но когда «Hydronaut» приближается к пункту своего назначения, начинается извержение, и подводную лодку засыпает камнями. Члены экипажа должны приложить максимум усилий, чтобы остаться в живых…
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Woman (uncredited)
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