Sirje Haagel

Sirje Haagel

Рождение : 1952-05-03,

Смерть : 2006-10-17


Sirje Haagel (May 3, 1952 - October 17, 2006) was an Estonian film editor. From 1959–1970 she studied at the Tallinn 22nd Secondary School (now Westholm Gymnasium) in a film-oriented class. Worked 1970–1994 at Tallinnfilm: as an editor. From 1994 to 2006, she cooperated with several film production companies


Sirje Haagel


Masing`s Landscape. Part III. Death is Lodging in the Field
The documentary reflects Uku Masing's life as an inner migrant during the restricted conditions in the Soviet era, including the repressions by KGB and keeping quiet about the writer. The main channel for distributing Masing's work was manual copying. As the last part of the film trilogy, the film follows the scope and influence of such activity while combining the subjects of KGB, Masing's wife and manual copying of Masing's work based on recollections by about thirty people touched by the great man.
Ada Lundver
In the film, Ada is talked about by her friends and companions, as well as Ada herself. The camera accompanies Ada in many different situations. Memories reach the viewer through photographic and film materials of past times.
Masing`s Landscape. Part II. The Son of Man in a White Boat
People who got acquainted with Uku Masing in 1950s and grew stronger in time, either in Tallinn Institute of Theology of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Estonian Museum of Literature in Tartu, or in Masing's apartment in Vilde (now Hurda) Street help to recollect memories about the acknowledged poet, theologian and teacher. Among others, Jaan Kaplinski, Vello Salo, Kalle Kasemaa, Hando Runnel, Andres Ehin, Ave Alavainu, Viivi Luik, Jaan Kiivit, Toomas Paul and Jaan Tooming share their memories and contemplate.
Jüri - see mulk, ehk mis tuul müürile...
Enn Säde's documentary about the Estonian filmmaker Jüri Müür (1929-1984) who was his colleague and friend.
Karu süda
Молодой охотник Ника отправляется в Сибирь, где становится участником драматических событий — отвергнутая им пятнадцатилетняя красавица из местного племени, Гитя, вонзает себе нож в живот. А после того, как Ника убивает медведя, его повсюду начинает преследовать медведица, перевоплощаясь время от времени в бессловесную дикарку…
Good Hands
The Estonians and Latvians join hands in this jointly produced Baltic comedy about love and theft centering on light-fingered Margita. Everything and anything that hasn't been nailed to the spot winds up in her possession - whether it's a wallet belonging to a passer-by or a Jeep. But the police are on to her and the streets of Riga are becoming just a little too dangerous for Margita these days (played by rising Latvian star Rezija Kalniņa). She decides to break camp and hitchhike her way up north coming to rest at a little place called Vineeri in Estonia, where she soon finds herself looking after an entire household, including three men and a small boy.
Masing`s Landscape. Part I
Uku Masing (11.08.1909-25.04.1985, born in Raikküla parish, Lipa village) was a theologian, Orientalist, philosopher, poet, folklorist and ethnologist. The residents of Masing's home village recall their memories about Uku Masing and his family.
American Mountains
A former goldminer who has run afoul of the law is made an unusual offer by the mafia. The power of money and popularity among women won't let him step down from the rollercoaster in order to make the right decisions.
Old Man Wants to Go Home
Toomas Simmo is a simple worker who has seen a lot of injustice and carelessness in his life. Yet he has not become bitter or lost the ability to understand and encourage other people who are struggling with their problems. When he lies in the hospital with an amputated leg, her daughter presents him with the most difficult choice of his life.
Тридцатые годы прошлого века. Новая встреча с героями, которые теперь уже стали взрослыми. Многие живут спокойной семейной жизнью. На этот раз главным героем фильма стал Кийр со своей «акцией женитьбы», желанием разбогатеть в портняжном деле и стать хозяином хутора. Но на его пути встречаются разнообразные препятствия...
In One Hundred Years in May
Viktor Kingissepp has been the underground head of the Communist Party of Estonia for three years. He corresponds with Moscow, writes speeches for the members of the Communist Workers' Party and makes leaflets for the events of trade union. His purpose is to overthrow the Republic of Estonia since he does not believe in Estonian independence nor in any national ideals. Yet the clock keeps ticking, tuberculosis spreads rapidly, the world revolution is being postponed. What to do in order to make one's efforts work?
Time Out
An anxious cat, immediately engaged in a flurry of stressful morning activities, works himself into a nervous breakdown.
The Song of the Summer
While suffering creative and emotional crisis, singer Katrin gives a poor performance at the pop music contest. She decides to turn over a new leaf and write a song that would convey an important message both for herself and for the audience. Katrin's personal drama - the story about her doubts and self-realization - is accompanied by the performances of well-known pop musicians of 1970s and 1980s.
Суровое море
Охотник на тюленей, потомственный рыбак Маат Рухве привозит на остров невесту. Катрина становится его женой. Ей трудно привыкнуть к условиям суровой жизни островитян, угрюмым лицам, их почти диким обычаям. И только любовь к Маату связывает ее с морем.
Отель «У погибшего альпиниста»
Приехав по срочному вызову в отель, инспектор полиции не обнаружил ничего уголовнонаказуемого, но подметил происходящие там странности. Снежная лавина не позволила ему уехать в тот же день, и вскоре инспектор обнаружил тело убитого постояльца. Подозрение падает на всех, кто живет в отеле.
The Woman is Heating the Sauna
The story is about a woman, who has to heat up the company's sauna, because the bosses want to entertain a foreign visitor. The sauna is situated in a small village were her ex husband is from, and old aunt of his is still living there. So besides having to face the party her bosses are having she also has to face her past.
Teacher of Reigi
Forest Captain
Sailing to South America, the sailing ship "Fortuna" gets stuck in a calm in the middle of the Atlantic. Heat and thirst drive the team crazy, knives are already flashing and the wind is being conjured in the darkness of the night. Captain Kihnu Jõnn has to tame desperate men and trade with heavenly forces in order to bring the ship's crew to the destination port, who want to leave him there.