Pavel Dvořák

Рождение : 1955-06-06,


Those Who Dance in the Dark
“Try to describe what it's like to see,” one of the blind actors in Jana Ševčíková's documentary urges the film crew. The same challenge for him is to express how reality is perceived and experienced by a visually impaired person. Ševčíková therefore does not explain the blindness. Using everyday situations as examples, she empathetically and without pathos presents the stories of six people who never stop dreaming, yearning, and searching for ways to be as free in life as the sighted majority. They find sources of energy in work, sports, dance, and relationships. We are also transported into their world by the dimly lit black and white camera and the layered soundtrack.
The Case of the Deceased Dead
Команда детективов неуклюже и сбивчиво ведет расследование, в котором фигурируют убийство, шантаж и, возможно, кто-то из их знакомых.
The Price of Happiness
Happiness is often found unexpectedly, so what? A lesbian couple raise their two children in perfect harmony when a man from the past intervenes. Violent psychopath demands the custody of his daughter, while his ex-wife suffers his terror. Two teenagers simply run away and a devout man does not have the strength to protect his love.
When on the mountains, so to Špindl. In the snowy Špindlerův Mlýn the sisters Eliška, Katka and Magda go to the women's ride in the full-length winter comedy Špindl. They plan to enjoy relaxation, fun and perhaps a bit of love adventure. Eliška is fine, but Katka and Magda were already thirty and are still single. Does the right one appear in winter snow? It is certain that they will meet other participants and entertaining figures, and during the weekly stay, all of them will get an avalanche of love and livelihoods.
Tehdy spolu
Zlatý muž z Ria
Celebrity Ltd.
The comedy unfolds in the attractive environs of the never-ending filming of a TV series. The performance opens up with wonderful interplay of relationships, characters, situations, conflicts, big hopes and ambitious plans interwoven with a love motif. At the end of this bizarre story we are surprised by the harmony created from the discord of authentic human emotions.
Rumbling is a dramatic feature film based on a true contemporary story, spiced with real-life events taken from media reports mixed in. It showcases tales of domestic violence, acts of self-defense, standing up for what is right and helping victims in need. The film is about an endangered human archetype, one whose sense of justice and freedom of speech borders the edge of law and social norms. It was originally planned as a documentary about people whose nature defies societal norm. This background gives the film a credible amount of crude realism. As a feature film Rumbling is set in the world of motorcycles, rock music and artists, where people valuing fairness and honesty blend in their inherent explosive emotions, rumbling in the heart and love for absolute beauty. A world where man ceases to be judgmental with himself.
Поездка к морю
История десятилетнего мальчика по имени Томас, который одновременно рассказчик, оператор и режиссёр в своём фильме. Он получил свою камеру на день рождения и решает снять фильм в точности как Милош Форман. Поэтому он становится рассказчиком, оператором и режиссёром глубоко человеческой истории, благодаря которой мы узнаем его семью, маму, папу, бабушку, школу, друзей. В этой истории будет и большое детективное расследование, которое попытается раскрыть аккуратно спрятанный отцовский секрет. Томас подозревает, что его папа встречается с другой женщиной и решает сделать всё, что в его силах, чтобы предотвратить уход отца из семьи. Зритель увидит историю через глаза невинного ребёнка с типичной детской честностью и согревающим сердце юмором.
An Unlikely Romance
Luisa and Erika are prototypes of young women who plunge into relationships with the "wrong" men. Luisa wants to become an actress, which upsets her husband Igor to no end. Erika is trying to work as much as possible so that she can afford to study and thereby achieve a better outlook on life, but she unfortunately runs up against a boss who doesn't have the best intentions with her. Ultimately Luisa's husband demonstratively commits suicide. Erika accidentally kills her boss in self-defense... The women blame themselves for all these failures, and that has got to change. Both have to grow up and start living again. Perhaps even together.
Bad Joke 4
Ten years later, the people of Kamenákov are still stirring up trouble, including Pepa, who is now mayor and trying to establish a police force.
Nazareth - Until We Drop
Sound Mixer
O dívce, která šlápla na chléb
Pánská jízda
Probuzená skála
Sluha dvou pánů
The Wild Bees
Sound Mixer
A portrait of a small Moravian village and its quirky inhabitants.
Karu süda
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Молодой охотник Ника отправляется в Сибирь, где становится участником драматических событий — отвергнутая им пятнадцатилетняя красавица из местного племени, Гитя, вонзает себе нож в живот. А после того, как Ника убивает медведя, его повсюду начинает преследовать медведица, перевоплощаясь время от времени в бессловесную дикарку…
Expulsion from Paradise
Sound Mixer
Philosophical movie, staged at the least philosophical environment imaginable: A closed scenery of a nudist spot, where some hired Czech stuff is making a plain erotic movie for a rich Russian producer. Nothing in this movie is what it seems to be at the first superficial glance.
A career woman's struggle and fight against a male dominated society.
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