Tiit Kikas

Tiit Kikas


Tiit Kikas


Marju: The Call of the Heart
A portrait film about one of the brightest legends of Estonian pop music, Marju Länik. How did Marju's nearly forty-year-long successful and glamorous stage career begin and what kind of life does she live in today's Estonia?
Dora Who Came from Highway
At the center of Estonia's first full-length horror film are the brothers Markus (Franz Malmsten) and Tom (Kristjan Kasearu), who find themselves in a lonely forest cottage near a large highway.
Miriam by the Lake
Miriam goes camping with her family and her chicken, on the lakeside. But a chicken was not made just for swimming and sunbathing. It was made to get in trouble.
Чёрный альпинист
Мистическая история, основанная на реальных событиях. Студенты из Эстонской Советской Республики в 1989 году решили отправиться в горы Сибири. Кажется, что их гидом с первого момента становится сама судьба. Для начала не удаётся набрать полную группу, и в путь отправляется компания чужих друг другу молодых людей, у каждого из которых своё представление о приключениях. В горах с ними начинают происходить странные, пугающие вещи. Чёрный альпинист - мифическая сущность, призрак, история о котором является частью фольклора альпинистов стран бывшего СССР.
Aeg on siin
Joonas, Karit, Doris and Fred are seven years old and will start going to school. They live in different areas in Estonia. They're all different children with different schools and teachers. Yet, time is the same for all of them, passing by the same way. Where will they be at the end of their first school year?
Miriam's Picnic
The family is on an outing. Mother and father are laying the picnic table, meanwhile the small ones start playing on a meadow. The hen wanders into somebody's vegetable patch and is scared to half-death seeing a scarecrow. Everybody starts looking for her and the little brother encounters a snake. But the hen is brave now and ends up as the hero of the day...
Shop of Dreams
Three friends return from a vacation and discover that the TV studio they work for has gone bankrupt - so they decide to start their own costume renting business.
Carrot unites all the characters of the story. The Hare doesn't have a carrot. But the Snowman has it. The Hare is hungry. The Snowman becomes hunted. The Snowman tries to hide itself from the Hare by unbelievable camouflage and disguise, but it is the Carrot that betrays him again and again. The coming of beautiful spring shows that the Snowman is not a real snowman and the trouble-maker Carrot becomes a sign of reconciliation.
Violinist at the Cafe