The story of Omnipresent is centered around Emil, writer and owner of advertising agency who gradually becomes obsessed with spying on his family, friends and employees via hidden spy cameras. What starts as an innocent hobby ends up as a total disaster, as in the process he abuses his new power and eventually comes to realize that some secrets should be left uncovered.
The story of Omnipresent is centered around Emil, writer and owner of advertising agency who gradually becomes obsessed with spying on his family, friends and employees via hidden spy cameras. What starts as an innocent hobby ends up as a total disaster, as in the process he abuses his new power and eventually comes to realize that some secrets should be left uncovered.
Follows the parallel stories of a number of characters who are trying to change their lives via the Internet or are simply having fun online.
Follows the parallel stories of a number of characters who are trying to change their lives via the Internet or are simply having fun online.
Действие происходит в одну ночь, когда главный герой по кличке Мотылек выпущен из тюрьмы на поруки. Он отсидел пятнадцать лет по ложному обвинению в убийстве в 1944 году, а, выйдя, очутился в новом мире — тоталитарной Болгарии 60-х. Он кое-что ищет и пойдет на все, чтобы найти это кое-что.